And I'm thrilled. To be honest, I was a little terrified of having a boy. And it's not just the fact that I had no idea how we would afford to clothe a little guy, although that would've stressed me out quite a bit (although I probably would have gotten really good at sewing, assuming my back would tolerate that much sitting). For some reason, having a girl seems easier at this point, or at least known. And now we just have to worry about a name (we've had our boy names picked out forever) which will be fun.
This ultrasound was really neat. Last time was technologically cooler, but my heart was also ignorant. The place we went to Austin had a 42 inch flat screen monitor hanging on the wall so we could see perfectly well everything the technician saw. And the gal there was fabulous, explaining every little thing she was measuring and looking at, really helped us "see" our baby.
This time, the gal did her thing and didn't make much of an effort to let us even see her monitor. And there was very little explaining, too. BUT, and even though Jane was melting down every 60 seconds, it was more special this time because my heart is wiser, or deeper, or something. Looking back at Jane's ultrasound and her early days as a newborn, it's very cool to see certain things that are very much a part of her personality: she was pretty chill, mostly cooperative, and I'm sure if we could have heard inside the womb she would have been babbling even then.
This lovely little girl of ours was very hyper in comparison (I felt her the first time at 12 weeks) and it took a few minutes to even get a picture of her legs and her feet because she was kicking so much. She also refused to roll off her back so we could get a decent picture of her spine, even with much prodding and much rolling from side to side on my part. After I went to the bathroom, she obliged us for about 2 minutes and then rolled back onto her back, kicking all the while. It's like already I'm starting to get a sense of this child and I'm more excited then ever. It's amazing how we really come fully loaded with personalities...
(oh, and she's measuring right on track for a May 22 due date and everything looks healthy and all, I was a bit worried)
Now it's time to play the name game for the next 18-22 weeks...any suggestions? What is a name that fits with Jane?
Happy Anniversary

Yesterday was my last day with my primary class and six girls who've I've really come to love. Fittingly, the lesson was on the building of the Salt Lake Temple and on keeping ourselves worthy, or building a strong foundation of virtue, to be able to enter the temple. It was extra special because I got to spend some time thinking about my own ceremony three years ago and I got to (try) and share with them the sacredness of that event: how the Spirit blessed Eric and I with immense peace all day long, how everyone was stressed out and worried and some even near frantic (my mom tore a huge chunk of lace off my dress and started resewing it the morning of because it looked crooked to her) and how we just had this immense peace all day long, let alone the sweet spirit in our marriage ceremony itself. The wind was blowing like it often does in the desert but I hardly felt it as we took pictures outside later.
In the last rhetoric class I took, we talked about public and private reasons (while studying Arendt? Habermas? I honestly don't remember) and motivations for policy making. Same sex marriage came up, Mormons did not (this was before California's prop 8 and all). I found myself struggling to articulate properly the reasons for a temple marriage to my girls, even though they are phenomenally faithful and mature at 12 years old and all have solid testimonies of our church's doctrines, I mean, I even challenged them to memorize the Proclamation on the Family, for crying out loud (which all of them did and I which their prize was their own, personalized "wordle" I gave them yesterday like the one below).

And that, I guess, is the disadvantage of rhetoric, public policy and the world at large: only sanctioning and using one way of knowing....

My sister is taking Jane for the bulk of the day and we are spending it making our bedroom a retreat, putting things up on the walls, finishing all kinds of little organizational and pretty projects, so we can properly retreat to our room in the coming seasons of craziness. We are more than happy to stay home!!
Christmas Eve Sledding
We went to a local middle school (well, Eric and Jane went with cousins, etc, I stayed home and Christmased) and spent some enjoying the winter advantage of Minnesota--lots and lots of snow (it's been coming down all day, it's piled up to the mailbox here)!! Notice the cousins trying to get Jane and Eric off and away, only Lizzy persists til the job is done.
Merry Christmas Elder Monroe
To my bro down in Mexico,
Merry Christmas!
We took this after church yesterday and Jane hadn't had a nap OR dinner. She also doesn't particularly like not holding the camera, hence the fussing.
Eric has his last final today, and he looks it in the video.
It's nothing much, but at least you can be reminded of what we look like. Love you, bud!!
and everyone else feel free to watch, there's a great shot of my baby bump.
Merry Christmas!
We took this after church yesterday and Jane hadn't had a nap OR dinner. She also doesn't particularly like not holding the camera, hence the fussing.
Eric has his last final today, and he looks it in the video.
It's nothing much, but at least you can be reminded of what we look like. Love you, bud!!
and everyone else feel free to watch, there's a great shot of my baby bump.
Christmas Card
Our Christmas has been necessarily simplified this year and the resulting simplicity has been beautiful and surprising at times (maybe more on that later). But it HAS meant we can't send Christmas cards like we want to, which is one of my favorite traditions. But I can post a letter and a pic to this blog (yay!) So please forgive me for not sending hard copies for you to put on your fridge, or wherever.
Looking back on the year 2009, we find ourselves amazed, pleased, and grateful. We successfully made it through the first year of parenthood, the first year of law school, and our first Minnesota winter. We now understand what people told us when Jane was just weeks old—“time flies.”
Eric has done well at school, and we can now say (with proof) that law is a field in which Eric will thrive and excel. His writing skills last year earned him a spot on the civil rights moot court, and his attention to detail has further distinguished him this semester in research. He enjoyed his classes last year, but has loved his classes this semester and thinks he can now see his niche in a specific area of law: tax. Consequently, he’s currently on the job search for something tax related this summer. Last summer he had the opportunity to work with Judge Crabtree and the magistrate judges at the district court in Burley, Idaho. It was a great experience and each judge was an excellent mentor. This year, Eric has found a way to mentor as President of the Minnesota Law Families group (with Marcee as his unofficial VP), officer in the J. Reuben Clark Law Students group, an orientation leader back in September, and a student instructor starting this January. Being so busy hasn’t stopped him from being an awesome daddy and husband. Jane thinks her daddy is pretty hilarious, snuggly, patient, and all around wonderful. Marcee thinks so, too.
Marcee has had a challenging year as well. She feels like she’s getting the hang of this parenthood thing and just wishes her body would cooperate more fully. She’s had some back problems throughout the year, which have interfered with life somewhat, with two particularly rough spots where she couldn’t even take care of Jane for a while. We are hopeful that things will continue to heal. While on her back, Marcee discovered the wide world of craft, design, and mommy blogs, began digital scrapbooking, and has learned to enjoy reading for pleasure again. She had a busy summer as well, having surgery, completing her Masters, and moving to a slightly bigger apartment with a whole lot more light. She loves serving in primary both as 11 year old teacher and music co-director with Eric. She does the planning and preparing during the week and he does the teaching on Sunday. They are a great team. Speaking of teamwork, Marcee is learning to step it up with regards to house management so that Eric can spend his time at home more effectively.
Jane started talking early, moving late, and growing ahead of schedule. Her head is off the growth charts, she’s at the top of the charts in height and weight, she has all four molars and is cutting her eye teeth. Jane began crawling at ten months old while at Grandma Julie’s, then took her first steps 4 months later. Needless to say, Mom and her back were very excited by this development. Jane has always been a vocal child and began talking before she began crawling. Her first word was “hi.” Her vocabulary is easily more than 40 words and with the two latest and cutest being “star” (or “tars”) and “snow” (this one can’t be described, she blows out her nose for the “s” and than says “no,” for a video of it, go check out here). She also knows the number three, since we live on the third floor, and likes to “count”. She’s grown into such a loving child—hugging, cuddling, and kissing. She is a gift we get to unwrap everyday as we watch her personality and character develop. We are amazed at how, already, she is so independent, particular, and detailed.
“Presto” will be joining our family sometime in May. His/Her nickname comes from the style of his/her entrance into our family, as in: “Presto! You’re pregnant!” We are sure this little one will add the same delight and magic to our family.
As this holiday approaches, we find ourselves wishing we could spend more of it with the people we love most and hope that this letter compensates somewhat for our absence. We love you!
So here is the picture and letter we would have sent to you all.
Merry Christmas
from Eric, Marcee, Jane, and Presto

from Eric, Marcee, Jane, and Presto
Looking back on the year 2009, we find ourselves amazed, pleased, and grateful. We successfully made it through the first year of parenthood, the first year of law school, and our first Minnesota winter. We now understand what people told us when Jane was just weeks old—“time flies.”
Eric has done well at school, and we can now say (with proof) that law is a field in which Eric will thrive and excel. His writing skills last year earned him a spot on the civil rights moot court, and his attention to detail has further distinguished him this semester in research. He enjoyed his classes last year, but has loved his classes this semester and thinks he can now see his niche in a specific area of law: tax. Consequently, he’s currently on the job search for something tax related this summer. Last summer he had the opportunity to work with Judge Crabtree and the magistrate judges at the district court in Burley, Idaho. It was a great experience and each judge was an excellent mentor. This year, Eric has found a way to mentor as President of the Minnesota Law Families group (with Marcee as his unofficial VP), officer in the J. Reuben Clark Law Students group, an orientation leader back in September, and a student instructor starting this January. Being so busy hasn’t stopped him from being an awesome daddy and husband. Jane thinks her daddy is pretty hilarious, snuggly, patient, and all around wonderful. Marcee thinks so, too.
Marcee has had a challenging year as well. She feels like she’s getting the hang of this parenthood thing and just wishes her body would cooperate more fully. She’s had some back problems throughout the year, which have interfered with life somewhat, with two particularly rough spots where she couldn’t even take care of Jane for a while. We are hopeful that things will continue to heal. While on her back, Marcee discovered the wide world of craft, design, and mommy blogs, began digital scrapbooking, and has learned to enjoy reading for pleasure again. She had a busy summer as well, having surgery, completing her Masters, and moving to a slightly bigger apartment with a whole lot more light. She loves serving in primary both as 11 year old teacher and music co-director with Eric. She does the planning and preparing during the week and he does the teaching on Sunday. They are a great team. Speaking of teamwork, Marcee is learning to step it up with regards to house management so that Eric can spend his time at home more effectively.
Jane started talking early, moving late, and growing ahead of schedule. Her head is off the growth charts, she’s at the top of the charts in height and weight, she has all four molars and is cutting her eye teeth. Jane began crawling at ten months old while at Grandma Julie’s, then took her first steps 4 months later. Needless to say, Mom and her back were very excited by this development. Jane has always been a vocal child and began talking before she began crawling. Her first word was “hi.” Her vocabulary is easily more than 40 words and with the two latest and cutest being “star” (or “tars”) and “snow” (this one can’t be described, she blows out her nose for the “s” and than says “no,” for a video of it, go check out here). She also knows the number three, since we live on the third floor, and likes to “count”. She’s grown into such a loving child—hugging, cuddling, and kissing. She is a gift we get to unwrap everyday as we watch her personality and character develop. We are amazed at how, already, she is so independent, particular, and detailed.
“Presto” will be joining our family sometime in May. His/Her nickname comes from the style of his/her entrance into our family, as in: “Presto! You’re pregnant!” We are sure this little one will add the same delight and magic to our family.
As this holiday approaches, we find ourselves wishing we could spend more of it with the people we love most and hope that this letter compensates somewhat for our absence. We love you!
When it's 23 degrees
Minnesotans come out in droves and many don't wear coats.
23 is warm, baby.
oh, and recycling and trash, we call it the same thing--garbage.
23 is warm, baby.
oh, and recycling and trash, we call it the same thing--garbage.
I'm sharing this at Eric's request, and because he was such a great husband this morning and last night (I mean, come one, unloading the dishwasher AND going to get milk on the morning of a final?), and because HE thinks it's so funny, here we go:
Jane likes to play in the food storage. It's in a small bookcase with a cute little curtain covering it near Eric's desk. Usually she plays with the tomato paste but recently she thinks the tuna cans are cool. She's been toting them around and after I put her down for her nap yesterday, I saw one under the Christmas tree and I suddenly knew what I was having for lunch.
Jane also likes to play in the short garbage can by Daddy's desk, which is where I threw the tuna can after I was done with it. Fast forward to Mom making dinner and Jane toddling around playing with dice (which she likes to put in her mouth for some strange reason...*sigh*) I peak in on her from the kitchen and she's putting the dice into something metallic, I can hear a hollow clinking. Yep, it's the tuna can and you KNOW where those dice are going next. Mom intercedes and tells Jane that can is garbage and she throws it away.
Later, I hear a heavy thunking in the garbage can. Jane is throwing away the tuna cans that are in food storage. Obedient kiddo, right? Not quite, Eric tells me after I've gone to bed the empty tuna can is in food storage.
Jane likes to play in the food storage. It's in a small bookcase with a cute little curtain covering it near Eric's desk. Usually she plays with the tomato paste but recently she thinks the tuna cans are cool. She's been toting them around and after I put her down for her nap yesterday, I saw one under the Christmas tree and I suddenly knew what I was having for lunch.
Jane also likes to play in the short garbage can by Daddy's desk, which is where I threw the tuna can after I was done with it. Fast forward to Mom making dinner and Jane toddling around playing with dice (which she likes to put in her mouth for some strange reason...*sigh*) I peak in on her from the kitchen and she's putting the dice into something metallic, I can hear a hollow clinking. Yep, it's the tuna can and you KNOW where those dice are going next. Mom intercedes and tells Jane that can is garbage and she throws it away.
Later, I hear a heavy thunking in the garbage can. Jane is throwing away the tuna cans that are in food storage. Obedient kiddo, right? Not quite, Eric tells me after I've gone to bed the empty tuna can is in food storage.
Dirty Secret
And I mean that in a totally normal way. At least the "dirty" part, as in "soiled, grimy, grubby, cluttered, dusty, smudged, icky" or just plain old "unclean" (minus the biblical connotations). As for the secret part, well, if you've been over my house much (or had the challenge of being my roommate) it's not much of a secret.
Housekeeping is one of my challenges. I'm about as good at daily maintenance in my home as I am at mingling at a party. Both are WAY out of my comfort zone and often result in pain. I'm pretty good at project cleaning, which is why it's important to have a regular dinner party scheduled. But throw in my back issues this last year and an increasingly destructive toddler and I have seen the light, you know, at least as much of it filters in through my dirty windows ;-)
Seriously, though, I have been making a concentrated and prioritized effort to be better about daily cleaning. I know, I know, this is all plain and obvious to the vast majority of you (which is REALLY why I am writing it, we'll get to that in a minute), but I'm missing some pretty important habits like picking up after myself. Yes, I did just admit that.
Here's what I did:
I made a list of all the tasks that, if done everyday, prevent chaos from encroaching on our home--things that, if they don't get done they leave me behind the next day. They are really pretty basic and, again, obvious. The biggest one is running the dishwasher at night and unloading it in the morning. If that doesn't happen, the kitchen gets smelling bad really fast. So I made a list of these (and I included other daily goals for our family, like family devotional, family prayer, and my own personal prayer and scripture study) and put them all on a table with a space to check each of them off everyday. It's hanging on my fridge next to my sink and I can't help but see it everytime I get a drink of water (which is a lot these days). And you know what? It works.
Even with Christmas coming and the mess that getting all of that decor out and up made and the mess that Christmas crafting creates and, again, the mess of the destructo-Jane, I can maintain a minimum level of sanitation (I wouldn't really call it clean) if I just do my "foundation tasks." Anything above that, is, for now, just a bonus.
So here's where you know-it-alls come in. Any suggestions for becoming cleaner and dealing with the chaos a toddler naturally brings? You know, before I'm dealing with two of these creatures??? I am determined that in a (relatively) short amount of time that I regularly make my house a House of Order.
Housekeeping is one of my challenges. I'm about as good at daily maintenance in my home as I am at mingling at a party. Both are WAY out of my comfort zone and often result in pain. I'm pretty good at project cleaning, which is why it's important to have a regular dinner party scheduled. But throw in my back issues this last year and an increasingly destructive toddler and I have seen the light, you know, at least as much of it filters in through my dirty windows ;-)
Seriously, though, I have been making a concentrated and prioritized effort to be better about daily cleaning. I know, I know, this is all plain and obvious to the vast majority of you (which is REALLY why I am writing it, we'll get to that in a minute), but I'm missing some pretty important habits like picking up after myself. Yes, I did just admit that.
Here's what I did:
I made a list of all the tasks that, if done everyday, prevent chaos from encroaching on our home--things that, if they don't get done they leave me behind the next day. They are really pretty basic and, again, obvious. The biggest one is running the dishwasher at night and unloading it in the morning. If that doesn't happen, the kitchen gets smelling bad really fast. So I made a list of these (and I included other daily goals for our family, like family devotional, family prayer, and my own personal prayer and scripture study) and put them all on a table with a space to check each of them off everyday. It's hanging on my fridge next to my sink and I can't help but see it everytime I get a drink of water (which is a lot these days). And you know what? It works.
Even with Christmas coming and the mess that getting all of that decor out and up made and the mess that Christmas crafting creates and, again, the mess of the destructo-Jane, I can maintain a minimum level of sanitation (I wouldn't really call it clean) if I just do my "foundation tasks." Anything above that, is, for now, just a bonus.
So here's where you know-it-alls come in. Any suggestions for becoming cleaner and dealing with the chaos a toddler naturally brings? You know, before I'm dealing with two of these creatures??? I am determined that in a (relatively) short amount of time that I regularly make my house a House of Order.
Glazed Doughnut
Someone at choir practice described Jane as a glazed doughnut today. I think it is the most perfect description, and not just for her shiny, snot-sheened face from her perpetual nose drip. Her eyes are pretty glazed today, too. Although it doesn't describe the whineyness and the emotional break downs...She went to bed late last night (8:30), slept crappy and woke up at 6:20. Church starts in less than an hour and she's been fighting her nap for more than the last half hour and parenting really sucks when it's a solo game (it's finals week. only 8 more days to go). On the plus side, we move to a 9:00 am church schedule in January so I want have this nap quandary every week.
The Jane Show
The other night Eric and I decided to capture "snow" on video and then we got a bit carried away making Jane perform. She did really well, though. And right at the end I remembered to have her say "good girl," which I've been meaning to blog about (stay tuned for a post about rhetoric and "good girl"...) The video is long (two minutes plus) but it's jam packed with cuteness, at least according to this totally impartial mother.
Someday when I'm healthy, or more healthy, or better at coping with it...I would like to do many things:
This last is the real reason I'm posting today. I have a kitchen table full of stuff to be crafted and I'm on the couch laying on my side typing one handed iceing and wishing I could do more in a day. It is frustrating hen just a trip Michael's wears me out for the day. But I am improving, at least I can go to Michael's. Yay! What's weighing on me lately is that I always have more ideas than ability to complete. *sigh* It's like forever a truckload of seeds yielding just a bushel of fruit.
So maybe if I blog about my ideas I'll feel more...substantial?
The project I'm most looking forward to is making a Little People-esqe nativity set. Here's the inspiration picture, tutorial over at Nannygoat
Don't know if I'll get to that one this year...
Nester has really inspired me this Christmas to Do Less, Be More and the way I want that to look this Christmas is a greater, better focus on Christ. I got looking around at my decor and decided I want more of it to be explicitly about Christ. One of Nester's sponsors is a company called Dayspring that sells all kinds of Christian decor, some really pretty, classy stuff. So one of the projects I will get done is a little sign that reads "Jesus is the Gift" to go on the short bookcases that double as our sofa table that you see when you walk in. I have several boxes wrapped there with a picture of Mary holding Jesus. I'll do my best to show it to you when I get 'er done.

And then there are a billion little projects and ideas that I can barely write down that I want to do, like this refashion got me all twitterpated AGAIN about the potentials of refashioning...
and this freezer paper project made me wish I'd sold my bistro table and stroller to afford a Cricut when JoAnne's had that amazing Black Friday deal...I never thought to combine freezer paper and the cricut, but DUH the possibilities make me a little breathy...speaking of that particular blogger, the "aspiring craft mastermind" Melanie over at Crafty Cupboard, she's relatively new to posting her crafting exploits, but DANG is she productive. An inspiration to me, actually.
Now I'm going to try and do one small thing while Jane is sleeping, now that I'm done iceing and wishing (er, complaining) I type pretty fast one handed these days, eh?
- I'd like to work on my music more, (which I can't do so much now as my sitting time is so rationed...)
- I'd like to finish a novel (this one is more possible in the future, as soon as I stop falling asleep at 7:30-8:00 at night and I become a better housekeeper).
- I'd like to craft on a regular basis and post about them here so this isn't always just the Jane Show. I have several Christmas crafts I want to get to, but again, rationed sitting time on top of Jane's developing talent for destruction....
This last is the real reason I'm posting today. I have a kitchen table full of stuff to be crafted and I'm on the couch laying on my side typing one handed iceing and wishing I could do more in a day. It is frustrating hen just a trip Michael's wears me out for the day. But I am improving, at least I can go to Michael's. Yay! What's weighing on me lately is that I always have more ideas than ability to complete. *sigh* It's like forever a truckload of seeds yielding just a bushel of fruit.
So maybe if I blog about my ideas I'll feel more...substantial?
The project I'm most looking forward to is making a Little People-esqe nativity set. Here's the inspiration picture, tutorial over at Nannygoat

Don't know if I'll get to that one this year...
Nester has really inspired me this Christmas to Do Less, Be More and the way I want that to look this Christmas is a greater, better focus on Christ. I got looking around at my decor and decided I want more of it to be explicitly about Christ. One of Nester's sponsors is a company called Dayspring that sells all kinds of Christian decor, some really pretty, classy stuff. So one of the projects I will get done is a little sign that reads "Jesus is the Gift" to go on the short bookcases that double as our sofa table that you see when you walk in. I have several boxes wrapped there with a picture of Mary holding Jesus. I'll do my best to show it to you when I get 'er done.
And then there are a billion little projects and ideas that I can barely write down that I want to do, like this refashion got me all twitterpated AGAIN about the potentials of refashioning...
and this freezer paper project made me wish I'd sold my bistro table and stroller to afford a Cricut when JoAnne's had that amazing Black Friday deal...I never thought to combine freezer paper and the cricut, but DUH the possibilities make me a little breathy...speaking of that particular blogger, the "aspiring craft mastermind" Melanie over at Crafty Cupboard, she's relatively new to posting her crafting exploits, but DANG is she productive. An inspiration to me, actually.
Now I'm going to try and do one small thing while Jane is sleeping, now that I'm done iceing and wishing (er, complaining) I type pretty fast one handed these days, eh?
My Life is Full...maybe Too Full...
New words: Jane said "applesauce" the other day, go three syllables! The other three syllable word she's got nailed is "numanums" or "M&Ms," our incentive for trying to go potty. It's her second cutest word. Her cutest word by far was learned and laughed about today. We got our first snow here and it's gracefully dusting the tree out our third story window and everything below. Jane thinks it's pretty cool. I think it's pretty cool how she says "snow." She blows out her nose to say the "s" and then says "no." Try it, it sounds pretty similar. How creative is that? I've been trying to get a video all morning, but alas...
I think the few years Eric spent in Belgium as a kid learning French has done irreversible damage to Jane, frequently her meals consist of fruit and cheese. I just wish blueberries weren't so messy.

One night whilst trying to keep away from Eric I discovered Jane had enough hair to actually style. A photo shoot ensued the next day where I discovered Jane likes squirrels as much as the dogs on Up. This photo was taken right after I said "squirrel" in an attempt to get her to look anywhere but down. She was then glued to the window.

Jane really likes to be naked. And she really hates to get dressed. I let her be naked for (max) ten minutes or so this morning. Reading on her bean bag was a whole new experience! I'm always really watchful when I let her go naked so I don't find any surprises later. Well, turns out I wasn't watchful enough, although I am fast. This afternoon Jane wanted to read stories again and started to climb onto her bean bag when I discovered the happy yellow puddle. Jane, the carpet, and I remained unscathed, the bean bag still needs a good scrub.

Jane's excessive drooling has turned into Toddler Rosacia. It's very sad and very sore and looks very much like this:
I think the few years Eric spent in Belgium as a kid learning French has done irreversible damage to Jane, frequently her meals consist of fruit and cheese. I just wish blueberries weren't so messy.
One night whilst trying to keep away from Eric I discovered Jane had enough hair to actually style. A photo shoot ensued the next day where I discovered Jane likes squirrels as much as the dogs on Up. This photo was taken right after I said "squirrel" in an attempt to get her to look anywhere but down. She was then glued to the window.
Jane really likes to be naked. And she really hates to get dressed. I let her be naked for (max) ten minutes or so this morning. Reading on her bean bag was a whole new experience! I'm always really watchful when I let her go naked so I don't find any surprises later. Well, turns out I wasn't watchful enough, although I am fast. This afternoon Jane wanted to read stories again and started to climb onto her bean bag when I discovered the happy yellow puddle. Jane, the carpet, and I remained unscathed, the bean bag still needs a good scrub.
Jane's excessive drooling has turned into Toddler Rosacia. It's very sad and very sore and looks very much like this:

And ye must give thanks unto God in the Spirit for whatsoever blessing ye are blessed with.
Doctrine and Covenants 46:32
Doctrine and Covenants 46:32
On Sundays I have the privilege of teaching 6 girls ages 11-12 for about 50 minutes. It's really one of the highlights of my week. Besides loving that age of kids, they are not too old to think they are too cool and still really interested in learning, they are also amazing girls. I have come to love each one of them in the fifteen months or so I've been their teacher. A couple of Sundays ago I taught a lesson where I learned more than anyone, which happens most of the time, honestly (which is one reason why I love teaching so much). It was on gratitude, which is the perpetual lesson associated with my health problems this last year.
One of my girls moved up from Round Rock, Texas about a year before we did and she is still adjusting to the cold weather. Another one of my girls is a Minnesota native to the core and she was saying how she was grateful for winter. This led to an interesting discussion because of the scripture italicized above which we had read earlier. If we have the perspective that everything that happens in our lives is a blessing (yes it sounds very Pollyanna, stay with me) and we are grateful for "whatsoever blessing ye are blessed with," then you give those "blessings" power to bless your life.
Like my back. I certainly didn't chose this one and I spent a fair amount of energy this fall languishing in the thought that I didn't want to have the chronic pain challenge my whole life. I wanted to be the one busy and energetic and serving others, not the one on the couch scrapping by. But every time I have started doing as this scripture commands, I was happier, more positive, and closer to the Lord. And I give this "trial" power to be a blessing in my life. We will save the lessons I've learned for my Thanksgiving post and instead mention my adorable husband here.
Every morning we try and have a family devotional before Eric leaves for school. Our thought is that this will help set a pattern for family scripture study when Jane is old enough. And it's a do-able baby step for us. This morning I shared this scripture and my thoughts and Eric said: "See, Jane, some people think being short is a bad thing, but I learned a long time ago it's actually a blessing..." What a cute, little husband I have!
Stuck in a Box
Sometimes life just bites you in the butt...or your butt is stuck in a box...granted, she was wearing cloth so there was plenty of butt to get stuck...
You'll notice a frantic "please" and her version of signing "help" there at the end. Speaking of help, do any of you know how to flip your videos?
Family Photo Shoot
Feeling Totally Justified
Jane's 15 month appointment was on Monday (yes, I've been meaning to post since then ;-) and besides the drama of the hemoglobin and lead test (they milked Jane's finger for blood for 2 minutes and then she was entirely indignant and furious at the idea of putting a band-aid on that finger, tore it off twice...), it was a great visit. I love our clinic and adore at least three of the docs that work there. Monday was with our favorite, Cindy.
So here comes the justification part: since Jane did plenty of crying which gave Cindy plenty of opportunity to peak at her gums. All four of Jane's molars are in and she's now cutting all four of her eye teeth, which are supposed to be much worse. I think I will keep my 15 month old after all, poor dear, and be a little more liberal with the ibruprofen at night.
By the way, I happen to think toddling is the cutest thing ever. I never realized what I a joy it is to watch a baby learn to walk. Jane has been a real go getter and I'm amazed with how much better she gets every day. The Zombie hands are already gone and I wouldn't be surprised if she was running by next week. She's already trying.
As for me, my health, and my sly hints here and there about being pregnant, I have good days and not so good days. I don't have bad days near as often, thankfully, and I'm doing my best to do the things I know make me happy and healthy and trying to figure out more of the ones that will make me more healthy (and thereby more happy?). I am now taking swimming lessons because hopefully no matter what happens to my back or hips, that will be something I can do continually. Being (mostly) past the puke-tastic stage of pregnancy, my desire to eat well is slowly emerging and I have joy again in vegetables. I'm beginning to feel like my disc is mostly healed, it seems like I can sit longer these days and it just feels a bit different. We'll see how Sunday goes.
Some of you may know of my addiction to productivity. I like to do stuff. I like to have visible results of my accomplishments and, for most of my life, accomplishing = positive self worth. I even thought that this was the norm for people, or at least how it should be, until I married Eric.
I've had some withdrawal pains this last year. And I think they are growing pains, too. The biggest lesson, beside relying on the Lord and gratitude for the charity of others (I'm a pro at eating humble pie these days), I have learned (was forced) to slow down and appreciate moments. I'm getting pretty good at being in the moment with her and with my nieces and it makes mothering and life so much more enjoyable. There is a poem I love by Thoreau that has a line "frittered away by detail." I think I have often been guilty of being frittered away by doing.
That's not to say that I'm not itching to get back to doing more than I've been able lately. I'd love to get my house organzied, cute-i-fied, and clean. I'd love to spend a little more time in the kitchen and be able to serve those around me more. But a couple days ago I had a rather strange moment. I was icing my back on my bed and I had no desire to read, to blog, to listen to music, to talk on the phone, to sleep, surf the internet, or even play solitaire. I was tired and I just wanted to do nothing. I have never had that experience before, I've always been too busy.
In posting this, I am a little worried about what my own family will think. It is from that hive of busyness that I am migrating ever so slightly from (ask Eric, I'm still plenty productive crazy). And sometimes I feel like I should be doing more; there's a restlessness that I've somehow caved in and forsaken my own values. I often feel like I need an objective, a project, an ambition beyond the one of survival, gestation, and raising Jane. I keep thinking that my life will never be this "slow" again, that I've got six months before the second one comes and I am outnumbered and overwhelmed. I don't want to waste this time. And I don't know the answer. But I also know that I don't want to lose any more time with a beam of busyness in my eye.
Next post, PICTURES!! As soon as I can find my cord...
So here comes the justification part: since Jane did plenty of crying which gave Cindy plenty of opportunity to peak at her gums. All four of Jane's molars are in and she's now cutting all four of her eye teeth, which are supposed to be much worse. I think I will keep my 15 month old after all, poor dear, and be a little more liberal with the ibruprofen at night.
By the way, I happen to think toddling is the cutest thing ever. I never realized what I a joy it is to watch a baby learn to walk. Jane has been a real go getter and I'm amazed with how much better she gets every day. The Zombie hands are already gone and I wouldn't be surprised if she was running by next week. She's already trying.
As for me, my health, and my sly hints here and there about being pregnant, I have good days and not so good days. I don't have bad days near as often, thankfully, and I'm doing my best to do the things I know make me happy and healthy and trying to figure out more of the ones that will make me more healthy (and thereby more happy?). I am now taking swimming lessons because hopefully no matter what happens to my back or hips, that will be something I can do continually. Being (mostly) past the puke-tastic stage of pregnancy, my desire to eat well is slowly emerging and I have joy again in vegetables. I'm beginning to feel like my disc is mostly healed, it seems like I can sit longer these days and it just feels a bit different. We'll see how Sunday goes.
Some of you may know of my addiction to productivity. I like to do stuff. I like to have visible results of my accomplishments and, for most of my life, accomplishing = positive self worth. I even thought that this was the norm for people, or at least how it should be, until I married Eric.
I've had some withdrawal pains this last year. And I think they are growing pains, too. The biggest lesson, beside relying on the Lord and gratitude for the charity of others (I'm a pro at eating humble pie these days), I have learned (was forced) to slow down and appreciate moments. I'm getting pretty good at being in the moment with her and with my nieces and it makes mothering and life so much more enjoyable. There is a poem I love by Thoreau that has a line "frittered away by detail." I think I have often been guilty of being frittered away by doing.
That's not to say that I'm not itching to get back to doing more than I've been able lately. I'd love to get my house organzied, cute-i-fied, and clean. I'd love to spend a little more time in the kitchen and be able to serve those around me more. But a couple days ago I had a rather strange moment. I was icing my back on my bed and I had no desire to read, to blog, to listen to music, to talk on the phone, to sleep, surf the internet, or even play solitaire. I was tired and I just wanted to do nothing. I have never had that experience before, I've always been too busy.
In posting this, I am a little worried about what my own family will think. It is from that hive of busyness that I am migrating ever so slightly from (ask Eric, I'm still plenty productive crazy). And sometimes I feel like I should be doing more; there's a restlessness that I've somehow caved in and forsaken my own values. I often feel like I need an objective, a project, an ambition beyond the one of survival, gestation, and raising Jane. I keep thinking that my life will never be this "slow" again, that I've got six months before the second one comes and I am outnumbered and overwhelmed. I don't want to waste this time. And I don't know the answer. But I also know that I don't want to lose any more time with a beam of busyness in my eye.
Next post, PICTURES!! As soon as I can find my cord...
15 months and 189 Days to go
Jane is fifteen months old today, anybody want a fifteen month old?
I WANT to say it's that last molar...Eric found blood on her blanket, possibly from last night. She's sleeping now, but then she was up at 4:15, little turd. Eric gave her a drink, rocked, and put her back down and she was mostly quiet, although not sleeping til about 5:00, which is when I got up with her for the day.
My sister mentioned that all of her kids' personalities seemed to change a bit when they started walking...thoughts anyone?
So, in contrast to my words (which are ornery, like Jane this week), and because I've got a Pre-Thanksgiving Feast to prep for (I'm making pumpkin pudding in sugar cookie tart dishes with ginger crumble on top...if it turns out, if not I'm making Trader Joe Stuffing), I'll just post a few pics (which are really sweet, like Jane the rest of the time) and maybe comment on all the wondrous accomplishments of my darling child when I'm feeling more positive and loving.
Blueberries, blueberries, everywhere!!! Jane will eat them in any form, in a box with a fox, in a house with a mouse...
Grandma reading Tumble Bumble, one of Jane's favorites. She said "bumble" the other day and pointed at the book. Jane has at least 30 words she says.
Jane and the Cuz, little bookworms. Right after Grandma snapped this (she thought it was SO cute, Jena and I were a bit less thrilled as they do this all the time, although they don't always read so nicely, usually there is more grabbing of each other's books), Jena pulled out a ball and told the bookworms that they needed to do something more active. That was fun, too.
Joint story-time. Jane's nap has finally moved from the morning to about noon, which is much closer to when Joey takes his, so on this day, they read stories together before nap time, they both LOVE Jena and stories.
I WANT to say it's that last molar...Eric found blood on her blanket, possibly from last night. She's sleeping now, but then she was up at 4:15, little turd. Eric gave her a drink, rocked, and put her back down and she was mostly quiet, although not sleeping til about 5:00, which is when I got up with her for the day.
My sister mentioned that all of her kids' personalities seemed to change a bit when they started walking...thoughts anyone?
So, in contrast to my words (which are ornery, like Jane this week), and because I've got a Pre-Thanksgiving Feast to prep for (I'm making pumpkin pudding in sugar cookie tart dishes with ginger crumble on top...if it turns out, if not I'm making Trader Joe Stuffing), I'll just post a few pics (which are really sweet, like Jane the rest of the time) and maybe comment on all the wondrous accomplishments of my darling child when I'm feeling more positive and loving.
A Very Late Halloween Picture or two...
In my defense, I had to wait til my Mom sent me this, which means I had to wait til my younger sister (a very busy senior in high school) could spare a few minutes.
Jane saying "Baaa." We really should have gotten a video of it, so cute. She even got her voice to catch, you know Ba-a-a-a-a. Eric is hungry.
This is my mom, my sister just younger than me, my older sister and all her kids, and Jane at our church's Halloween party/Chili Cook-off.
I'm taking the picture. I haven't felt like being in pictures lately...
And here is Jane sans lamb hat and her cutie cousin Superman giving her all the love she's not sure she wants or needs. Those are my legs behind them.
I'm taking the picture. I haven't felt like being in pictures lately...
Still Here!
Time got the best of me, apparently.
We are all still here, alive and (mostly) well. Jane had the swine flu for about 4-5 days and is now fully recovered. Eric came down with something else about the same time but I've remained healthy, so to speak ;-) My midwife put me on Tamaflu for ten days as a precaution and tomorrow is the last pill, knock on wood. Neither Jane or I got the H1N1 flu vaccine (although I was strongly urged to, my doc's office only just started getting it and the wait to get one is ridiculous). I've been told that you can get it again, so we might all still get it, but we haven't so far.
In general, H1N1 was pretty tame, you know, for flu. Jane had a high fever for 4 days, a rough week of nights and was too tired and sad to whine most days. The problem with H1N1 is when things get complicated, they go fast and go dire.
I was totally wore out, but we managed to do OK even with my recovering back. Jane and I laid around a lot and read a lot of stories. I think I've mostly recovered from all that sleep deprivation, it made me remember (and fear) what having a newborn is like--that crazy, desperate, out-of-control tired feeling. Instead of falling asleep at 7:30-8:00, I'm back to 8:30-9:00. Except when my mom and sister where in town, which was last week.
We had a ball and it went by WAY too fast. My mom flew in on the 24th for my niece's birthday and left the next Saturday. My sister came last Thursday and left on Sunday. They both got to come to our church's Trunk or Treat party. With all the sickness and stuff, I didn't make all three of us costumes (although I figured out exactly how to do them all). I'm not really supposed to sit down, which makes sewing or crafting anything pretty difficult... so one of my nieces was Little Bo Peep and asked if Jane could be her sheep. We were late to the party (of course) and Bo Peep kept asking people if they had seen her sheep. We made it in time for the costume parade where each kid goes up on stage and introduces themselves and their costume. Eric was sitting in the middle of everybody with Jane when Bo Peep asked the whole crowd if they had seen her sheep. He went running to the stage calling "Here she is! Here she is!" Very cute.
Jane loved being a lamb, her lovey is a lamb and we even taught her to say "baa" with a little catch in her voice. We had a law student party we went to after the trunk or treat party and so Jane actually didn't go trick or treating door to door, but she explored plenty of candy. How do kids know that something sweet is in those little wrappers? Especially when they are so darn picky about everything else they eat... sigh.
Did you notice no pictures?? Yea, I didn't take any. My mom had a schnazzy new camera she was whipping out all the time so I didn't feel inclined to dig mine out. So hopefully I can get her to send me some.
Speaking of my wonderful mom, the time went by WAY too fast. She is such a great mom and an amazing Grandma. She came over, still getting over something herself, and dug me out of my sad excuse for a house. I was in the middle of a few reorganizing projects when my back went, so my closet had pretty much puked all over my bedroom. And I still didn't have anything on the walls. Turns out my mom is the perfect picture hanger upper. And she was such a emotional boost with everything that's been going on. AND she's so cool, she dressed up for Halloween as a scary witch and seriously scared many a child with her cackle, including her own grandkids. Joey wouldn't go to her, Jane cried whenever mom looked at her or got too close and even Lizzy lost it once after that freaky cackle of hers.
I was so glad my sister came , she's such a breath of fresh air. I love the way she sees the world and the energy and perspective she brings. I so enjoyed just talking with her and getting the chance to talk about life in that way you can't do so well over the phone. I love my family!
Time got the best of me, apparently.
We are all still here, alive and (mostly) well. Jane had the swine flu for about 4-5 days and is now fully recovered. Eric came down with something else about the same time but I've remained healthy, so to speak ;-) My midwife put me on Tamaflu for ten days as a precaution and tomorrow is the last pill, knock on wood. Neither Jane or I got the H1N1 flu vaccine (although I was strongly urged to, my doc's office only just started getting it and the wait to get one is ridiculous). I've been told that you can get it again, so we might all still get it, but we haven't so far.
In general, H1N1 was pretty tame, you know, for flu. Jane had a high fever for 4 days, a rough week of nights and was too tired and sad to whine most days. The problem with H1N1 is when things get complicated, they go fast and go dire.
I was totally wore out, but we managed to do OK even with my recovering back. Jane and I laid around a lot and read a lot of stories. I think I've mostly recovered from all that sleep deprivation, it made me remember (and fear) what having a newborn is like--that crazy, desperate, out-of-control tired feeling. Instead of falling asleep at 7:30-8:00, I'm back to 8:30-9:00. Except when my mom and sister where in town, which was last week.
We had a ball and it went by WAY too fast. My mom flew in on the 24th for my niece's birthday and left the next Saturday. My sister came last Thursday and left on Sunday. They both got to come to our church's Trunk or Treat party. With all the sickness and stuff, I didn't make all three of us costumes (although I figured out exactly how to do them all). I'm not really supposed to sit down, which makes sewing or crafting anything pretty difficult... so one of my nieces was Little Bo Peep and asked if Jane could be her sheep. We were late to the party (of course) and Bo Peep kept asking people if they had seen her sheep. We made it in time for the costume parade where each kid goes up on stage and introduces themselves and their costume. Eric was sitting in the middle of everybody with Jane when Bo Peep asked the whole crowd if they had seen her sheep. He went running to the stage calling "Here she is! Here she is!" Very cute.
Jane loved being a lamb, her lovey is a lamb and we even taught her to say "baa" with a little catch in her voice. We had a law student party we went to after the trunk or treat party and so Jane actually didn't go trick or treating door to door, but she explored plenty of candy. How do kids know that something sweet is in those little wrappers? Especially when they are so darn picky about everything else they eat... sigh.
Did you notice no pictures?? Yea, I didn't take any. My mom had a schnazzy new camera she was whipping out all the time so I didn't feel inclined to dig mine out. So hopefully I can get her to send me some.
Speaking of my wonderful mom, the time went by WAY too fast. She is such a great mom and an amazing Grandma. She came over, still getting over something herself, and dug me out of my sad excuse for a house. I was in the middle of a few reorganizing projects when my back went, so my closet had pretty much puked all over my bedroom. And I still didn't have anything on the walls. Turns out my mom is the perfect picture hanger upper. And she was such a emotional boost with everything that's been going on. AND she's so cool, she dressed up for Halloween as a scary witch and seriously scared many a child with her cackle, including her own grandkids. Joey wouldn't go to her, Jane cried whenever mom looked at her or got too close and even Lizzy lost it once after that freaky cackle of hers.
I was so glad my sister came , she's such a breath of fresh air. I love the way she sees the world and the energy and perspective she brings. I so enjoyed just talking with her and getting the chance to talk about life in that way you can't do so well over the phone. I love my family!
Spoke too Soon
My sister and her family (along with everyone else around here) got hit with the swine flu last week, and even though we were there most of the day Monday and Tuesday, which is when the first rounds of sickness started, I really thought we had dodged a bullet. People would ask how we were, how me and my back was doing and I could at least say, "at least we haven't come down with the flu." Ha ha.
Last night Jane had a temp of at least 102. She has suddenly developed an overt fear of the ear thermometer and so I tried to do her armpit which is also traumatizing for some reason. I pulled it out after it hit 102 because Jane was really starting to wail. She didn't do too bad last night, I only had to go help her get back to sleep twice, but she woke up a lot, which woke me up and had me all on alert. She did sleep in til almost 8:00, took a two hour nap, AND went to bed at 5:30. Poor thing. She's so sad. I don't mind too much, because she is super cuddly, she'll just lay her head down on whatever part of me is the closest to her.
Although, I am a bit worried, only ever so slightly, about her being sick and a worse-case scenario. If I watched less news (and goodness knows, I watch very little as it is), I'd probably be less worried. But I was thinking today about how little worrying we do over illness and our babies these days. Maybe it's because I recently watched Anne of Green Gables (six hours of pure enjoyment whilst on my back, thanks Bree!) when she saves her bosom friend's baby sister who has the croup, that I realized how blessed we are these days. We bring a child into the world and pretty much assume we will have them their whole lives. How many of us begin pregnancy, labor, and delivery with the bright-eyed expectation of healthy, beautiful child and an intact momma?
That's all, just thinking. And hoping that my new found gratitude will ward of any worst-case scenarios from encroaching on our home. (Eric wants to know if anyone knows where to get some lamb's blood for the door posts...)
Last night Jane had a temp of at least 102. She has suddenly developed an overt fear of the ear thermometer and so I tried to do her armpit which is also traumatizing for some reason. I pulled it out after it hit 102 because Jane was really starting to wail. She didn't do too bad last night, I only had to go help her get back to sleep twice, but she woke up a lot, which woke me up and had me all on alert. She did sleep in til almost 8:00, took a two hour nap, AND went to bed at 5:30. Poor thing. She's so sad. I don't mind too much, because she is super cuddly, she'll just lay her head down on whatever part of me is the closest to her.
Although, I am a bit worried, only ever so slightly, about her being sick and a worse-case scenario. If I watched less news (and goodness knows, I watch very little as it is), I'd probably be less worried. But I was thinking today about how little worrying we do over illness and our babies these days. Maybe it's because I recently watched Anne of Green Gables (six hours of pure enjoyment whilst on my back, thanks Bree!) when she saves her bosom friend's baby sister who has the croup, that I realized how blessed we are these days. We bring a child into the world and pretty much assume we will have them their whole lives. How many of us begin pregnancy, labor, and delivery with the bright-eyed expectation of healthy, beautiful child and an intact momma?
That's all, just thinking. And hoping that my new found gratitude will ward of any worst-case scenarios from encroaching on our home. (Eric wants to know if anyone knows where to get some lamb's blood for the door posts...)
Walking Videos
Jane took her first steps a week ago, and Thursday Eric and I set out to capture it on film. We bribed her with popcorn. She would get a bit too excited when walking to me and the popcorn and just sort of fall into the couch, but she did better when walking back to daddy. In the first video she says "popcorn" while she's got popcorn in her mouth, but I think it's pretty discernible.
Deja Vue at 14 Months Old
Jane is 14 months old today and is spending it with a friend from church Jane met this morning. Good thing she likes to go (because it means she gets to press the button on the elevator) so she didn't cry when she left. I'm spending the day in bed waiting for a slipped disk to heal. Seriously, what's the deal with my body? I'm not supposed to lift anything for a week, which means Jane has started that whole distancey thing with me, which I hate. It's amazing how quickly she picks up on these things. Her coping mechanism is to not to act like she needs me and none of our old jokes work, I'm no longer funny, and I don't get the big smiles. It's like a cuddly puppy turning into a cat.
On the positive side, Jane took her first steps on Sunday. Daddy was so pleased he didn't miss them. She's taken a handful of steps since then, but only when she doesn't realizing she's walking. In this case, positive reinforcement in the form of cheers and "yay-Jane!" doesn't work. She sits down immediately. Kind of like when she learned to crawl, her body started doing it before her mind thought she could and if her mind caught up with her, she'd revert.
She's still talking like crazy and has mastered "yes" (sounds like "syess") and I think it is by far her cutest word. She says "Zizzy" for her cousin Lizzy quite regularly and has some kind of sound for each of her cousins that live close. Although, she has said "nana" for Juliana before, she always greets Jules with a drawn out "Daahhhh!" Not sure what that one means yet as she uses it in other contexts. Other new-ish words are:
tickle tickle (because you can never have just one, and she never tickles others, just herself)
that (thdat)
this (zis)
water (dahter)
out (ouuuuuuuuu) which is just a word for "move me somewhere other than here"
Jane does a billion cute things a day and it's so much fun to watch her play, to see what she'll do next. I'm continually amazed by her fine motor skills, she can snap herself into her booster seat, she can put a bolt in a nut, she can unscrew a water bottle, etc, etc. And she really seems to enjoy imaginative play, which I'm guessing she learned from her cousins. The other day she took the shampoo bottle and had it talking to the conditioner bottle. She had separate voices for each one, it was hilarious.
Jane love's mommy's toy, too (the computer) and begs to get on it. I found a few baby games online that she gets a kick out of, and there's one very strange one (like teletubbies strange) that she likes to dance along with. I LOVE watching her dance.
This site has a list of links to more games that we've explored a bit, in case you're interested.
My friend just sent me a picture of Jane, letting me know they are doing very well.
I'm so lucky to have great friends.
On the positive side, Jane took her first steps on Sunday. Daddy was so pleased he didn't miss them. She's taken a handful of steps since then, but only when she doesn't realizing she's walking. In this case, positive reinforcement in the form of cheers and "yay-Jane!" doesn't work. She sits down immediately. Kind of like when she learned to crawl, her body started doing it before her mind thought she could and if her mind caught up with her, she'd revert.
She's still talking like crazy and has mastered "yes" (sounds like "syess") and I think it is by far her cutest word. She says "Zizzy" for her cousin Lizzy quite regularly and has some kind of sound for each of her cousins that live close. Although, she has said "nana" for Juliana before, she always greets Jules with a drawn out "Daahhhh!" Not sure what that one means yet as she uses it in other contexts. Other new-ish words are:
tickle tickle (because you can never have just one, and she never tickles others, just herself)
that (thdat)
this (zis)
water (dahter)
out (ouuuuuuuuu) which is just a word for "move me somewhere other than here"
Jane does a billion cute things a day and it's so much fun to watch her play, to see what she'll do next. I'm continually amazed by her fine motor skills, she can snap herself into her booster seat, she can put a bolt in a nut, she can unscrew a water bottle, etc, etc. And she really seems to enjoy imaginative play, which I'm guessing she learned from her cousins. The other day she took the shampoo bottle and had it talking to the conditioner bottle. She had separate voices for each one, it was hilarious.
Jane love's mommy's toy, too (the computer) and begs to get on it. I found a few baby games online that she gets a kick out of, and there's one very strange one (like teletubbies strange) that she likes to dance along with. I LOVE watching her dance.
This site has a list of links to more games that we've explored a bit, in case you're interested.
My friend just sent me a picture of Jane, letting me know they are doing very well.

I'm so lucky to have great friends.
So I've come up with the perfect trio of characters for our Halloween costumes! Now I just need to figure out how to execute said plan...but I think it will be brilliant, especially after Jane fell in love with the duck costume we saw at Target--she said "quack, quack" about a hundred times and even gave it a kiss on the bill.

Happy Birthday Holli!!
So my amazing little sister is probably already sweating it out at physical training this morning as I write this post. She is an army 1st Lieutenant at a VERY remote location and she has to spend her birthday without family. I've been thinking about her a lot and how I would feel in her situation. I think I cried myself to sleep on my 23rd birthday I was so lonely, and I was briefly living at home at the time. I used to see my older sister with her kids and her husband and ache to be someone's whole world like she was. Now, with a husband and a kid, I have a different perspective. In order to be their whole world, there is less of me to go around. I kind of miss being that awesome aunt and that great best friend, sister, and daughter. My point is, do your best to make the most of your season in life. There is something to love about each phase. Although, this post wasn't meant to be a soap box, but a celebration of my kickin' sis.
There are SO many reasons I look up to my little sister. I think I'll save them for a private email, (that and Jane has had enough of mommy playing with "mommy's toy" i.e. the computer), but I want her to know how proud I am of her and how glad I am that she's the one I got to share so much of high school and college with. I also wanted to post a picture her birthday present. I was thinking of printing it up as a 12x12 and framing it for you (unless you want a different size...or a different quote if you don't like it). You can take it back with you after your visit (I haven't had good luck shipping frames). Anyway, HAPPY BIRTHDAY SIS!!
There are SO many reasons I look up to my little sister. I think I'll save them for a private email, (that and Jane has had enough of mommy playing with "mommy's toy" i.e. the computer), but I want her to know how proud I am of her and how glad I am that she's the one I got to share so much of high school and college with. I also wanted to post a picture her birthday present. I was thinking of printing it up as a 12x12 and framing it for you (unless you want a different size...or a different quote if you don't like it). You can take it back with you after your visit (I haven't had good luck shipping frames). Anyway, HAPPY BIRTHDAY SIS!!

Uh, so Jane is being more touchy and fussy (although at first I thought it was because I've had a headache all day) AND has started to drooling again today, so I convinced her to let me feel her gums and she's got another molar coming in...this will be tooth number 11, third molar, that is trying to make it's appearance. And hopefully it will be sooner rather than later.
Jane's Birthday Part II
...better late than never?
strangely, we don't have a shot of her traumatized-by-the-cake face...just the what is it? look
In her defense the cake really didn't taste very good (not that she even tried it). We threw it away after Eric tried to get a few bites down...The frosting was good, though.

I was amazed by how she opened her own presents, so careful and intrigued, she even started looking for the tape to pull off by the end.
We celebrated Jane's birthday with her cousins the morning after they flew home (they got in around 2:00 am and this photo is around 9:30 am or so, I think they look pretty great considering)
Jane also got a used Little Tikes bike that was in OK shape but dirty. Amazing what soaking it in the bathtub for a few days did ;-) So far, she just pushes herself backwards on it, but she does like to be pushed and climb on it.
and last but not least a very dim video of us singing happy birthday...(we also have an 8 minute video of Jane's actual birthday party on her birthday that we can't get off of the camera (too large?) which meant we got NO pictures of Jane's actual birthday, just a long, useless video (hence my comment at the end of this one) that I can't upload (any ideas anyone?). I guess that's one of the risks when you give up control of the camera...)
Now, PRESENTS! and COUSINS! That's what Jane liked!
and last but not least a very dim video of us singing happy birthday...(we also have an 8 minute video of Jane's actual birthday party on her birthday that we can't get off of the camera (too large?) which meant we got NO pictures of Jane's actual birthday, just a long, useless video (hence my comment at the end of this one) that I can't upload (any ideas anyone?). I guess that's one of the risks when you give up control of the camera...)
Cooking and Falling
A friend of mine has started a cooking blog that I joined. She and others (and occasionally me) have been posting awesome recipes and I just posted one today that is fantastic, at least to me. The weather is turning and I find myself all of a sudden in a fall mood (yesterday I was protesting it), so I made some potato chowder. Jane even helped! I've figured out that for the most part, she just wants to be doing whatever I'm doing (duh!) So even though it slows me down, I can get a few things done if I let her "help." She stood on a chair and "helped" me scrub potatoes. Then she "helped" me chop them (i.e. she tried to eat the cubes raw...) Then while I was making the rue she sat on the counter and put all the plastic silverware into my water cup and back out, then the salt shaker in my cup then back out then she tried to drink out of it, etc, etc, etc. I don't know that I could have made the chowder without her...
Anyway, if you want to check out the recipe AND see tons of other great ones (my friend is awesome, she did a demo on chili rellenos the other day that made me swoon. I LOVE chili rellenos...I can't wait to try it), go to
I also posted Eric's new favorite, Zucchini Lasagna (which is a crack up because he doesn't really like regular lasagna all that much and he strictly doesn't like zucchini...) so you can check that out as well.
In other news, Jane fell out of her new high chair this morning. Luckily the pointy table leg caught her fall...right on the side of her face. Doc says she's OK, I'll have to post a picture of the sweet bruise...
Anyway, if you want to check out the recipe AND see tons of other great ones (my friend is awesome, she did a demo on chili rellenos the other day that made me swoon. I LOVE chili rellenos...I can't wait to try it), go to
I also posted Eric's new favorite, Zucchini Lasagna (which is a crack up because he doesn't really like regular lasagna all that much and he strictly doesn't like zucchini...) so you can check that out as well.
In other news, Jane fell out of her new high chair this morning. Luckily the pointy table leg caught her fall...right on the side of her face. Doc says she's OK, I'll have to post a picture of the sweet bruise...
Day 10 of the Tyranny
It's amazing how fast a sweet, giggly, cutey, widdle baby turns into a tyrannical toddler. I really hope it is just the teething and the interrupted sleep. I think I have said "be nice" at least a few thousand times today. When Jane starts that really grating whine of hers, I say "Stop (she usually stops for a second). Be nice (she rubs her tummy for "please"). What do you want?" And then we play twenty questions, interrupted numerous times with whining and "Stop. Be nice." I had no idea I had so much patience. All though when she pushed her water away a little vigorously this afternoon, I admit I pushed her hand back a little too vigorously, which broke her heart. But then, these days it breaks her heart if I sit on the couch instead of on the floor with her, or if I am out of eye sight for a second, etc. etc. etc.
And yet, she's sleeping sweetly in her crib right now, she was very sweet when I rocked her before bed and even cuddled on my shoulder for a few seconds (which she never does), and I find myself missing her. Yep, parenthood is a mental disorder because I'm nuts. What's that syndrome hostages get, you know where they start to love their captures? Mush-something?
I mean, LOOK at this picture! It makes you mush-something just looking at it, right?
And yet, she's sleeping sweetly in her crib right now, she was very sweet when I rocked her before bed and even cuddled on my shoulder for a few seconds (which she never does), and I find myself missing her. Yep, parenthood is a mental disorder because I'm nuts. What's that syndrome hostages get, you know where they start to love their captures? Mush-something?
I mean, LOOK at this picture! It makes you mush-something just looking at it, right?
Jane is teething again. Molars. They are a terror. They started to surface a bit back in June but went down. They've done a little up, a little down since, but nothing too noticeable.
Until now.
Dun, dun, dun.
Add that to Eric going back to school and the both of us missing Daddy and we've been a bit sad here lately. The GOOD NEWS is that the top right molar seems to have broken through. It seemed to have broken through on Friday, but was encased in swelling Saturday only to reveal it's bony points today. Here's hoping. She's so sad that she's been waking up and crying every hour or two. She goes back to sleep but clearly isn't sleeping well. Neither is mommy!
So I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed lately, or at least, I'm not so much in a blogging place lately.
Until now.
Dun, dun, dun.
Add that to Eric going back to school and the both of us missing Daddy and we've been a bit sad here lately. The GOOD NEWS is that the top right molar seems to have broken through. It seemed to have broken through on Friday, but was encased in swelling Saturday only to reveal it's bony points today. Here's hoping. She's so sad that she's been waking up and crying every hour or two. She goes back to sleep but clearly isn't sleeping well. Neither is mommy!
So I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed lately, or at least, I'm not so much in a blogging place lately.
My family has a (usually) weekly email/newsletter kind of thing that we (usually I) send out called the MRP. We update each other on our lives and we also include writing prompts to spice things up a bit. Not everyone writes every week, but usually at least once a month. It's been a fun way to stay close and in on each other's business. I actually haven't written in a while, probably because I had SO much to say, but I wrote in this last one. Often, I really enjoy writing. I love the process of picking words and images that fit together in fun ways to describe an event or a feeling or whatever. Occasionally I will read over something I have written and smile at myself. Usually there is more surprise than pride in that smile. That smile means "that's good!"
I wrote tonight's MRP after working on a new-ish piece of fiction with a very sassy protagonist. I think she comes out a bit here. So, as a means of spreading my smile and catching you all up a bit on the goings and comings of the Ludlows, here is my MRP (sorry family, you can stop reading now):
Life has been a wee bit nutty around here lately with the move and school starting again and Jane getting her molars in...(ask Jena who said, after watching Jane for me the other day, Jane is "ornery, ornery, ornery"). That said, we LOVE our new apartment. Even in the post-move chaos, it feels so much more homey. Even with bare walls and boxes and homeless stuff and clutter, this apartment totally kicks our last apartment's butt.
We also hit the state fair labor day weekend. After seeing several sleeping children in strollers, and after I lamented that Jane has never slept in her stroller, she fell asleep. All it took was shading her eyes with Lizzy's new bonnet, Eric gently rocking the stroller and the sweet, soft sound of a chain saw. No kidding. We hit the potties, Carlos went off to get some deep-fried cheese curds, and we watched the chain saw sculptor demonstration. I should have tried that at naptime today!
Although, Jane had good reasons for once to cry her eyes out at naptime--the blueberry sized swelling on her bottom right molar and the two marbles I found in her diaper after nap. Seems Joey let Jane play with the marbles the other day when he was over...
In other exciting news, I locked my keys in the car on Monday. Seems that Jane hit the lock button while I was loading the groceries. Did I mention that Jane was also in the car? That was a fun thirteen minutes. Jane knew almost immediately that something was wrong and howled hard the whole time (which is why I know how big that swollen gum is! Perfect view from where I was standing outside the car). Possibly even more humorous where the women that stopped to console me (and scare, I mean distract, Jane with Peek A Boo) and tell me how they'd locked their kid in the car 12, 18, and 24 1/2 years ago. Three women in thirteen minutes!! If that's not a comment on the faulty engineering of car locks and the sleep deprivation of mothers everywhere...outrage! Indignation! Injustice! Someone tell Obama to do something about this!
Whelp, that's all the excitement for now. I still haven't properly blogged about Jane's first birthday. Stay tuned!!! I plomise!
I wrote tonight's MRP after working on a new-ish piece of fiction with a very sassy protagonist. I think she comes out a bit here. So, as a means of spreading my smile and catching you all up a bit on the goings and comings of the Ludlows, here is my MRP (sorry family, you can stop reading now):
Life has been a wee bit nutty around here lately with the move and school starting again and Jane getting her molars in...(ask Jena who said, after watching Jane for me the other day, Jane is "ornery, ornery, ornery"). That said, we LOVE our new apartment. Even in the post-move chaos, it feels so much more homey. Even with bare walls and boxes and homeless stuff and clutter, this apartment totally kicks our last apartment's butt.
We also hit the state fair labor day weekend. After seeing several sleeping children in strollers, and after I lamented that Jane has never slept in her stroller, she fell asleep. All it took was shading her eyes with Lizzy's new bonnet, Eric gently rocking the stroller and the sweet, soft sound of a chain saw. No kidding. We hit the potties, Carlos went off to get some deep-fried cheese curds, and we watched the chain saw sculptor demonstration. I should have tried that at naptime today!
Although, Jane had good reasons for once to cry her eyes out at naptime--the blueberry sized swelling on her bottom right molar and the two marbles I found in her diaper after nap. Seems Joey let Jane play with the marbles the other day when he was over...
In other exciting news, I locked my keys in the car on Monday. Seems that Jane hit the lock button while I was loading the groceries. Did I mention that Jane was also in the car? That was a fun thirteen minutes. Jane knew almost immediately that something was wrong and howled hard the whole time (which is why I know how big that swollen gum is! Perfect view from where I was standing outside the car). Possibly even more humorous where the women that stopped to console me (and scare, I mean distract, Jane with Peek A Boo) and tell me how they'd locked their kid in the car 12, 18, and 24 1/2 years ago. Three women in thirteen minutes!! If that's not a comment on the faulty engineering of car locks and the sleep deprivation of mothers everywhere...outrage! Indignation! Injustice! Someone tell Obama to do something about this!
Whelp, that's all the excitement for now. I still haven't properly blogged about Jane's first birthday. Stay tuned!!! I plomise!
I'm excuseless. My masters is done, right? Eric isn't quite back to school recent medical mishaps or WHERE are those cute pictures of my daughter's first birthday? Um, yeah. Excuseless. You know, other than the exhaustion. And guess what, it's going to be awhile because....
Get ready for this....
Just to the next building and up to the third floor, but still. I think it will be good, the apartment we are in now is just way too dark, and that combined with long Minnesota winters and a very slow recovery back into normal activity equals the need for LIGHT. The place is a bit bigger and only slightly more expensive. And there are hardwood floors, tile floors in the kitchen, and better carpeting in the bedrooms.
Did I mention we have to be out of this place and in to our new place a week from today? So I'm guessing all will be quiet on the blog-Lines fronts.
I'm excuseless. My masters is done, right? Eric isn't quite back to school recent medical mishaps or WHERE are those cute pictures of my daughter's first birthday? Um, yeah. Excuseless. You know, other than the exhaustion. And guess what, it's going to be awhile because....
Get ready for this....
Just to the next building and up to the third floor, but still. I think it will be good, the apartment we are in now is just way too dark, and that combined with long Minnesota winters and a very slow recovery back into normal activity equals the need for LIGHT. The place is a bit bigger and only slightly more expensive. And there are hardwood floors, tile floors in the kitchen, and better carpeting in the bedrooms.
Did I mention we have to be out of this place and in to our new place a week from today? So I'm guessing all will be quiet on the blog-Lines fronts.
Happy Birthday Melisa!
I have this incredible kid sister. And today is her birthday. I remember how thrilled I was the day she was born (I was nine almost ten). I spent the afternoon doing somersaults on my mom's bed to get out the excited energy. And she was the most beautiful baby and the most adorable little girl. Melisa's whole pre-pubescent life people have been unable to hold back their exclamations of her cuteness. Just take a look at this picture (all my awesome sisters) and you'll see what I mean (she's the stunning one in the middle).
Can you hear the Animaniacs song "I'm Cute" that Dot sings playing in the background?
Melisa is the most talented 17 year old I have ever known. No kidding. I am so excited to see what she does with herself because I know she could really do anything. She has been amazing to watch "grow up" and I can't wait see how the story "ends."
Love you Lu! I'm SO glad that you were born!
Melisa is the most talented 17 year old I have ever known. No kidding. I am so excited to see what she does with herself because I know she could really do anything. She has been amazing to watch "grow up" and I can't wait see how the story "ends."
Love you Lu! I'm SO glad that you were born!
Happy Birthday Jane, Part I
I promise to share pics, movies, and details soon. First, though, this:
Dear Jane,
It is 7:54 pm the night of your first birthday. I am exhausted on the couch and you are exhausted in your crib, but I can hear you chatting with your lamby lovies like you always do before you fall asleep. This time last year, we were doing this:

and this:
and this:

The time it took to get you born and when you finally came, is such a sweet, sacred experience to me. I remember the soft, low light, the savory, warm, almost-steamy air, and your sweet, keen eyes. I remember not being able to take my eyes off of you. I was mesmerized. In so many ways, I was born that night, too.
Jane, you have been such a joy to your father and me. This year has been so full and so sweet. There is something so profound, so deep, so dazzling about being a mother. Even as I write this, I know there is no way to capture it, no way for you to understand until your a mommy yourself. I look forward to that day, Jane, even as I can't fathom you growing any bigger than you are right now, so that you might understand just how much I love you.
As you grow up, as you become whoever you are, I want you to know a few things about yourself right now, things I have seen in you: You are smart. You are so observant, careful, and creative. You make connections and wow us everyday. You have a great sense of humor, you love the unexpected and the silly. You love kids. Your favorites have always been the 4-8 year olds. You adore music. And details. You like to do things right. When you mess up, you have to do it again correctly. If you don't know what went wrong, you look at me or daddy and cry out, but then you turn back to the challenge at hand and do it right, even if it hurt you the first time (like when you tried to close the cabinet this morning and pinched your fingers. You looked at us, cried, then turned back to the cabinet to show it who was boss). You are tenacious. And patient. You have always been very "chill." These things are within you now, August 14, 2009. It's up to you if they are a part of the future you, the one that is reading this.
As you grow up, as you become whoever you want to be, know that I will always love you ardently. I can't help it, you are stitched onto my heart. You cover a hole on my heart I never knew was there. It's hard to remember what love was like before there was you.
Around eight years ago, I sat in a rocking chair in a pink pioneer dress on a stage holding a bundle of blankets with a doll inside. And I sang this song. I couldn't understand the lyrics then, and I'm only just beginning to now. They are the perfect lullaby:
Dear Jane,
It is 7:54 pm the night of your first birthday. I am exhausted on the couch and you are exhausted in your crib, but I can hear you chatting with your lamby lovies like you always do before you fall asleep. This time last year, we were doing this:
and this:
The time it took to get you born and when you finally came, is such a sweet, sacred experience to me. I remember the soft, low light, the savory, warm, almost-steamy air, and your sweet, keen eyes. I remember not being able to take my eyes off of you. I was mesmerized. In so many ways, I was born that night, too.
Jane, you have been such a joy to your father and me. This year has been so full and so sweet. There is something so profound, so deep, so dazzling about being a mother. Even as I write this, I know there is no way to capture it, no way for you to understand until your a mommy yourself. I look forward to that day, Jane, even as I can't fathom you growing any bigger than you are right now, so that you might understand just how much I love you.
As you grow up, as you become whoever you are, I want you to know a few things about yourself right now, things I have seen in you: You are smart. You are so observant, careful, and creative. You make connections and wow us everyday. You have a great sense of humor, you love the unexpected and the silly. You love kids. Your favorites have always been the 4-8 year olds. You adore music. And details. You like to do things right. When you mess up, you have to do it again correctly. If you don't know what went wrong, you look at me or daddy and cry out, but then you turn back to the challenge at hand and do it right, even if it hurt you the first time (like when you tried to close the cabinet this morning and pinched your fingers. You looked at us, cried, then turned back to the cabinet to show it who was boss). You are tenacious. And patient. You have always been very "chill." These things are within you now, August 14, 2009. It's up to you if they are a part of the future you, the one that is reading this.
As you grow up, as you become whoever you want to be, know that I will always love you ardently. I can't help it, you are stitched onto my heart. You cover a hole on my heart I never knew was there. It's hard to remember what love was like before there was you.
Around eight years ago, I sat in a rocking chair in a pink pioneer dress on a stage holding a bundle of blankets with a doll inside. And I sang this song. I couldn't understand the lyrics then, and I'm only just beginning to now. They are the perfect lullaby:
Through your eyes skies look brighter
Grass more green clouds are whiter.
When you're close cares grow lighter,
I'm glad that you were born.
Through your eyes hills stretch higher.
When you smile you inspire
hearts to sing in a choir.
I'm glad that you were born.
Born to laugh, born to dream
Born to spread your light.
Through your eyes I see clearer
You bring God so much nearer.
Life has grown so much dearer,
I'm glad that you were born.
Grass more green clouds are whiter.
When you're close cares grow lighter,
I'm glad that you were born.
Through your eyes hills stretch higher.
When you smile you inspire
hearts to sing in a choir.
I'm glad that you were born.
Born to laugh, born to dream
Born to spread your light.
Through your eyes I see clearer
You bring God so much nearer.
Life has grown so much dearer,
I'm glad that you were born.
I love you Jane Skylar Ludlow. I'm glad that you were born.
Gotta Love Good Freebies.
Especially when there is no stinkin' only one winner give away involved... I hate give aways. Anyway, the brother of a blogger I sort of follow is giving away his CD for a limited time, it's piano hymns. If you're interested, check it out.
Right now, at 1:24 am, I am waiting on Eric to finish his oh-so-careful grammar edit of my MA report (currently over 10,000 words) so I can submit it. I'm pasting in the sections he finishes into the final formatted template and completing the paperwork online. I know I will pay for it tomorrow, but this is a pretty awesome (and drawn out) moment. The deadline isn't even til Friday!
And DONE! granted, it's now after 2:00 am....oh the plight of the detail oriented, and their wives.
AND now it is the next night. I forgot to post this in my exhaustion, BUT now the paperwork is all submitted too and there is nothing left for me to do but sit back and claim VICTORY IS MINE, I am a
And DONE! granted, it's now after 2:00 am....oh the plight of the detail oriented, and their wives.
AND now it is the next night. I forgot to post this in my exhaustion, BUT now the paperwork is all submitted too and there is nothing left for me to do but sit back and claim VICTORY IS MINE, I am a
's Wonderful
A couple days ago I unloaded and reloaded the dishwasher. It didn't hurt. It didn't wear me out. It was wonderful.
Yesterday (?) I actually cooked. I made a zuccihini lasagna (AWESOME! Like, really, really good. Eric gave it "best ever" status). It didn't hurt. It didn't wear me out. It was wonderful. I even did the dishes. Which, strangely, was also wonderful.
Today I watered my sister's garden and her very large backyard (i.e. dragging the sprinkler around), did a few loads of laundry and harvested a few grocery bags of jalepenos, peppers, zucchini, summer squash, etc. It didn't hurt. It didn't wear me out. It was wonderful. The weather was delightful-- 90 degrees, slight breeze, and blue sky. The sun felt so good.
I've been able to care for Jane and Eric and myself and even the house (a little bit). It doesn't hurt. It doesn't wear me out (much). It is wonderful.
I'm pretty excited about this "new" body of mine. I have two more weeks until all restrictions get lifted and then it's full speed ahead! I'm excited to start running again and I'm even going to take a dance class.
's wonderful! 's marvelous!
Yesterday (?) I actually cooked. I made a zuccihini lasagna (AWESOME! Like, really, really good. Eric gave it "best ever" status). It didn't hurt. It didn't wear me out. It was wonderful. I even did the dishes. Which, strangely, was also wonderful.
Today I watered my sister's garden and her very large backyard (i.e. dragging the sprinkler around), did a few loads of laundry and harvested a few grocery bags of jalepenos, peppers, zucchini, summer squash, etc. It didn't hurt. It didn't wear me out. It was wonderful. The weather was delightful-- 90 degrees, slight breeze, and blue sky. The sun felt so good.
I've been able to care for Jane and Eric and myself and even the house (a little bit). It doesn't hurt. It doesn't wear me out (much). It is wonderful.
I'm pretty excited about this "new" body of mine. I have two more weeks until all restrictions get lifted and then it's full speed ahead! I'm excited to start running again and I'm even going to take a dance class.
's wonderful! 's marvelous!
Digital Scrapbooking
In retrospect, I probably should have just shelled out the 15 bucks for the cute baby book I saw at Target when I was 40 weeks pregnant (oh, wait, I did shell out the 15 bucks, then I returned it because I had a brilliant idea...) I LOVE document design, and I LOVE personalizing things, and I'll have SO much time when I'm not in grad school and just playing with my baby all day, I'll design my own baby book! Not one of my most perceptive moments, I know. Jane's first birthday is a week away and I figure if I don't do the thing now, I probably won't ever get it done (backup plan? This blog).
So I'm trying to teach myself how to digital scrapbook. My style isn't really all that scrappy, and I'm limited to what kit items I can get free. But, here's my first attempt at a page.

The color in the "JANE" font doesn't quite match, but I think it's a tolerable start. Suggestions?
So I'm trying to teach myself how to digital scrapbook. My style isn't really all that scrappy, and I'm limited to what kit items I can get free. But, here's my first attempt at a page.

The color in the "JANE" font doesn't quite match, but I think it's a tolerable start. Suggestions?
Some videos
We took these videos more than a week ago...I don't remember when. It's amazing how much joy she brings to my life everyday. Tomorrow it will be more, and more the day after that and I am awestruck.
I am finally feeling mostly back to normal--in fact, most of me feels better, much better, than I felt before the surgery, and the rest of me is coming along quite fast. Yesterday morning I got to hold Jane for the first real time since the surgery, actually hug her, and she just nuzzled in onto my shoulder, sighed, and stayed there for at least a whole minute (and Jane is not a hugger, snuggle type). I almost cried. It was so nice. I've been able to lift her a bit and even put her to bed last night and tonight and just sit and play with her and make her giggle and read stories and all without having to worry quite so much about a rogue limb. It's wonderful to be Mommy again. Give me a few days to get my house back in order, and I'll be good!
We've got some videos for you tonight. One of Jane's favorite words is "woe!" And then we wanted to get "please" on camera. I love how Jane listens so well to me in this one! (and we were watching "So You Think You Can Dance" in the background, Jane quite liked it too).
I am finally feeling mostly back to normal--in fact, most of me feels better, much better, than I felt before the surgery, and the rest of me is coming along quite fast. Yesterday morning I got to hold Jane for the first real time since the surgery, actually hug her, and she just nuzzled in onto my shoulder, sighed, and stayed there for at least a whole minute (and Jane is not a hugger, snuggle type). I almost cried. It was so nice. I've been able to lift her a bit and even put her to bed last night and tonight and just sit and play with her and make her giggle and read stories and all without having to worry quite so much about a rogue limb. It's wonderful to be Mommy again. Give me a few days to get my house back in order, and I'll be good!
We've got some videos for you tonight. One of Jane's favorite words is "woe!" And then we wanted to get "please" on camera. I love how Jane listens so well to me in this one! (and we were watching "So You Think You Can Dance" in the background, Jane quite liked it too).
I really do want to know
Seriously, I really want to know. What are your kiddo's favorite toys. We have a really limited budget and can only buy a few (like, two) for her birthday and that's probably it til Christmas, so I'd like to make them count. PLEASE, comment on my blog! (I'm signing right now, not near as cute as when Jane does it, but use your imagination and reward my magic belly ;-)
Favorite Toys?
After the poker chip discovery, and with her birthday coming up, and since she seems to be getting tired of her current toys, I thought I'd ask--What are your kiddo's favorite toys?
Besides poker chips, Jane really loves her sorter--little spheres, cubes, pyramids, her ring stacker, a little stuffed soccer ball her Aunts brought home from Ireland, and her toothbrush.
Besides poker chips, Jane really loves her sorter--little spheres, cubes, pyramids, her ring stacker, a little stuffed soccer ball her Aunts brought home from Ireland, and her toothbrush.
Other Cuteness

Anyway, on to the cuteness:
Jane is really starting to talk. The other day I said "I love you" and she mimicked it back. It came out "I ub ooo" but the intonation was dead on. Both Eric and I looked at each other and said, "did you hear that?" She hasn't done it since, but it was especially cute and sweet for me, since I haven't been able to love her much lately.
She has learned to sign please and it's unbelievably cute. I told Eric the other day that Jane is going to think she has a magic tummy, all she has to do is rub it and she gets what she wants! She's even started to combine "more" and "please" when eating. Very cute.
She blows kisses. Or rather puts her hand up to her mouth and makes a kissing sound.
Yesterday Jane discovered a bag of poker chips, which have turned out to be a delightful toy. I was sitting next to her and she was going through them and then I looked down and she had made a pile of all the red chips. Yes, it could have been a coincidence, but there were 11 red ones (and I noticed today that there are a whole lot more blue and white ones in the bag). It didn't last long, but it was pretty cool. But it's good for Eric to think she's smart. ;-)
Quiet Time
We are trying something new these days, and I haven't completely worked out the details but the idea is this:
1. Jane seems to be losing her afternoon nap (not that she really took it regularly in the first place) but there are days that she seems to need it and days that she doesn't.
2. Jane is getting really loud in Sacrament meeting. And since both Eric and I are in Primary, we'd really like to both have "adult church" every week, too.
So here's our two-fold solution. Or our attempt. We've decided to teach Jane the concept of "quiet" and rest via Quiet Time, instead of an afternoon nap, that way, when she loses her morning nap and needs an afternoon nap as a toddler, we'll already have that built into the routine. This way, if she is more tired one afternoon, she can take a nap.
Like I said, we're still tweaking it, but the basic idea is this:
1. lights off, night light on (usually her room is as dark as we can get it for naps_.
2. soft music playing
3. a few board books in her crib
4. encouraging her to lie down while she looks at her books, I want her to get in the habit of resting her body, even if she doesn't fall asleep.
5. saying "shhh, it's quiet time" and speaking in whispers.
6. gradually facing mom or dad out of Quiet Time. We've gone in with her the last few times b/c its a new thing and she's usually so traumatized by afternoon naps, anyway. Of the three times we've given it a whirl, she's fallen asleep once, which is better than her usual afternoon napping average (granted, very small sample size ;-)
My sister does quiet time with her kids, she's got 4, the oldest is 8, and she said it has frequently saved her. And especially in this busy world, I want my kids to be able to slow down.
So that's that, we'll see how it actually pans out ;-)
1. Jane seems to be losing her afternoon nap (not that she really took it regularly in the first place) but there are days that she seems to need it and days that she doesn't.
2. Jane is getting really loud in Sacrament meeting. And since both Eric and I are in Primary, we'd really like to both have "adult church" every week, too.
So here's our two-fold solution. Or our attempt. We've decided to teach Jane the concept of "quiet" and rest via Quiet Time, instead of an afternoon nap, that way, when she loses her morning nap and needs an afternoon nap as a toddler, we'll already have that built into the routine. This way, if she is more tired one afternoon, she can take a nap.
Like I said, we're still tweaking it, but the basic idea is this:
1. lights off, night light on (usually her room is as dark as we can get it for naps_.
2. soft music playing
3. a few board books in her crib
4. encouraging her to lie down while she looks at her books, I want her to get in the habit of resting her body, even if she doesn't fall asleep.
5. saying "shhh, it's quiet time" and speaking in whispers.
6. gradually facing mom or dad out of Quiet Time. We've gone in with her the last few times b/c its a new thing and she's usually so traumatized by afternoon naps, anyway. Of the three times we've given it a whirl, she's fallen asleep once, which is better than her usual afternoon napping average (granted, very small sample size ;-)
My sister does quiet time with her kids, she's got 4, the oldest is 8, and she said it has frequently saved her. And especially in this busy world, I want my kids to be able to slow down.
So that's that, we'll see how it actually pans out ;-)
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