So my amazing little sister is probably already sweating it out at physical training this morning as I write this post. She is an army 1st Lieutenant at a VERY remote location and she has to spend her birthday without family. I've been thinking about her a lot and how I would feel in her situation. I think I cried myself to sleep on my 23rd birthday I was so lonely, and I was briefly living at home at the time. I used to see my older sister with her kids and her husband and ache to be someone's whole world like she was. Now, with a husband and a kid, I have a different perspective. In order to be their whole world, there is less of me to go around. I kind of miss being that awesome aunt and that great best friend, sister, and daughter. My point is, do your best to make the most of your season in life. There is something to love about each phase. Although, this post wasn't meant to be a soap box, but a celebration of my kickin' sis.
at my sister's promotion ceremony almost a year ago, I got to pin her!!There are SO many reasons I look up to my little sister. I think I'll save them for a private email, (that and Jane has had enough of mommy playing with "mommy's toy" i.e. the computer), but I want her to know how proud I am of her and how glad I am that she's the one I got to share so much of high school and college with. I also wanted to post a picture her birthday present. I was thinking of printing it up as a 12x12 and framing it for you (unless you want a different size...or a different quote if you don't like it). You can take it back with you after your visit (I haven't had good luck shipping frames). Anyway, HAPPY BIRTHDAY SIS!!
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