Emiline is 9 Month's Old!

Oh boy, this kid is a squirmy onesie of joy! I'm loving falling so completely in love with this darling of mine.

I decided to pay tribute to my hairless girls and force Emiline's hair into a rubber band just like I did with Jane's hair at the same age. If you care to compare my kiddos (or you are one of the vast number of people that think they are spitting images of each other) click here. Emiline's rampant mobility makes it difficult to take pictures, but her cuteness makes up for it, dontchya think?
I got adventurous the other day and decided to take a billion pictures in a candid kind of photo shoot with my kids one morning. I'd been reading that the key to cute kid pictures is 1) taking a billion and 2) getting the right light. So here are some from my attempts at morning light.
Above is a classic Emiline smile. I think my kids do look alike, at least like sisters, but their smiles are all their own.

By the time I did find the light, Emiline was ready for a nap... her cry is all her own, too. My girls look very different when they cry, too. My dad and I kind of have this joke. Every time he calls he asks about the kids and comments something like, "Well that Emiline sure is a good-natured kid. Always so happy!" And I say "yeah, she is. Except when she's not." So far Emiline is not a luke-warm kind of kid. Hot or Cold, baby. Hot or Cold.

She has been into really playing with her tongue while vocalizing lately, thus we hear a lot of "lool, lool, lool. la, la, la. loola la, lool." At the moment, she also thinks she is a monkey. A few days ago we were reading Where's Spot (one of her favorites) and when we got the monkey, I made the noise, then Jane made the noise, then Emiline made the noise. Jane and I both laughed and Emiline did it again. When Eric got home, we showed him and Emiline likes pleasing the crowd. Since then, she has been making monkey sounds throughout the day and will always parrot you back. Speaking of communication, she does some signing, and actually signs more with her Dad (probably because I know what she wants sans sign and just get it for her. He waits. He's great at that;-) She'll do milk, more, and water with him.
Meet Roxy, Emiline's chosen lovey. I bought this cow from IKEA when Jane was a baby because I thought she was so cute. Jane was not moved. It was love at first sight for Emiline, however.
Even with the nose crusties, she's got a pretty cute smile, eh?

This is Emiline's thinking look. I know it looks pensive + sad, but it's more pensive + tired/lonely/hungry. I know this face, but I wouldn't necessarily describe Emiline as a big thinker, not like Jane is/was. Emiline is a mover. She doesn't think on a problem so much as she attacks it. She gets into things and tries to make things happen with pure momentum. I love to watch her crawling and cruising around the room just to see what she'll get into and experiment with next.
Probably because of this appetite for experimenting, Emiline is a fantastic eater! It has been such a joy to watch this kid eat. The above picture could be captioned "Oh my gosh I love pizza and smoothies SO MUCH I can't stand it!" Every meal time is filled with sounds of Emiline grunting in appreciation and smacking her lips. It's hilarious. The only thing she "won't eat," which means she's refused it a half dozen times, is bananas. Every thing else she'll try, especially new things. Tonight we had asian vegetables with sesame seeds on rice with pot stickers and cantelope for dessert. She hadn't had pot stickers before. After she had some of everything else she started making a fuss and "asking" me for a pot sticker. She was not satisfied til I give her one. I really hope this keeps up! She drinks from a cup with help. She thinks she knows how to use a spoon.
This last picture is a shot of Emiline getting stuck under the couch, which happened fairly regularly up until a few weeks ago when Emiline started cruising on everything possible. She was on the verge of crawling for more than a month (I think she was slowed down by getting sick). But then she finally figured it out. Before she was even crawling, she was pulling herself up a lot. Now it's non stop. I think she's wanting to walk and today she kept standing on her own unsupported for a few seconds throughout the day. Boy, was she proud of herself for that! So was I!

Other fun facts about my girl:
Emiline has two teeth and holding. No sign of anymore.
Emiline is a great night sleeper (11-12 hours). Bedtime is around 7:00 depending on how the afternoon nap went (or didn't) and she's usually up by 6:30. Like her sister, she seems to be wanting to give a nap already. Half the time she takes a morning nap at 9:00 or so, the other half it's not til 11:00. When she has an early morning nap, she'll sometimes take an afternoon nap, but not til 2:30 or 3:00 and it's usually pretty short. If she takes a late morning nap, it's not afternoon nap and an early bedtime. She has a short sleep routine of a story, a song, tucked in with blanky, kiss from Roxy, a binky, and some patting by mommy. If she's going to sleep, she goes right down. If she's not, well, she's not. Hot or Cold.
She's started to be more into books. She loves all flap books and all books with pictures of babies in them. Other than that, not so interested.
She still giggles like crazy over Wash The Ladies Dishes. And she went through a If Your Happy and You Know It Period, as well. But clapping for fun was so 8 months old. She loves to play mimic with Daddy, it's crazy what he can get her to do. And recently she likes to play chase with Jane. Although, she doesn't like playing chase with Mommy. She is starting to have separation anxiety with me. She loves to be kissed and to kiss. She loves to climb up me when I'm holding her. And she has earned herself the nickname "Squirm-a-whine" lately. She whines when she is frustrated or sick. She squirms all the time. I'm realizing more and more how unusual Jane was (and I can't tell if Emiline is unusual on the other side of the spectrum or just normal). For example, Emiline put her hand in the toilet today. Jane has still never done that.

And on that note, let's reveal the stats:
Height: 27 1/2 inches (50%)
Weight: 14 lbs 2.6 oz (55%)
Head: 45.8 cms (95% - which is small to me, Jane was WAY off the charts at this age)

I'm so pleased to have Emiline in our little family. I can't imagine not having her. I remember how worried (terrified) I was at having two. I remember how strongly (stubbornly) I thought that kids needed more space between them. And I'm happy to be wrong. We all need Emiline right now, especially Jane. And having two has been delightful (as long as I can keep my cool when it's time to go anywhere, what with all the hat, coat, gloves, shoe, diaper bag, keys, purse, and phone grabbing that goes on). I can't wait to watch her grow and have the opportunity to continue to nurture her. I'm so grateful to be her mother.

Daddy's Girl/Cuddle Bug

Excuse the cross-posting (facebook) but I wanted this on the blog, too.

Getting my girls to nap has never comes easy, when it comes. It is a source of frustration, but also one of amusement. On Friday, this was the conversation Jane and I had while Emiline was sleeping, I was tired, and I was sure Jane was, too.
Me: Come on, Jane. Let's lay down and rest.
Jane: I don't want to take a nap.
Me: But I do! Come cuddle with me.
Jane: Um, No thanks.
Me: Pretty, pretty please?
...Jane: I'm happy. Your happy.
Me: Yes, we are happy. But we are also tired.
Jane: No! We are not both! You are not both! I am not. We are happy. And hungry. Happy AND hungry. (climbing down off bed) Come on! Follow me! You want a heart sandwich.

I was so impressed with her reasoning skills that I did follow her into the kitchen and we did make heart sandwiches.

After church today I fed the girls and put them both down at about 3:15. Jane was pretty sad, she's been sickish the last few days, and she was crying every few minutes. I checked on her here and there and she was laying down, cuddling lammy and looking exhausted but awake. After about an hour I hear a very pathetic "Mommy!" I go in and she's sitting up (against the Sleep Rules). I decided to go with the Nice Mommy reminder of the rules and a hug instead of the Firm Mommy reminder and assistance laying back down. This series of events is pretty typical and has happened dozens of times. But here is where things get weird (for Jane).

I asked her if she wanted to lay down by me for a few minutes. And she said YES! Then she CUDDLED next to me and FELL ASLEEP within TWO minutes. Jane has not cuddled with me in bed since....ever? She's not really a cuddler. I can get some surreptitious cuddling in if we are also reading a story or if I also tickle her or play some other game. And she has not slept next to me since she was a tiny newborn. Even when she's sick and wants me to comfort her by laying down by her (which is also rare), she never falls asleep. She just stares at me. I was befuddled at this afternoon's events, but also thrilled. I did my best to soak up the moment. It was so sweet and peaceful as she snored next to me. I love parenthood!

Rock Star Momma

So I try really hard not to take my family's rejections of the food I prepare personally and just be "whatev-" But that doesn't mean I refrain from patting myself on the back (and even doing an air guitar and croon "rock star momma!!!") when things go particularly well. Like this morning's breakfast:
Pumpkin Smoothie!!

It was a smashing success! Emiline and Jane both drank at least 8 oz and even the hubby applauded it. This was the second time I made it. Eric is usually kind of "eh-" about pumpkin (except pumpkin cookies) so the first time I used much less pumpkin. I hardly ever measure things but here is my approximation:

1 c. pumpkin
2 or 2 1/2 c. yogurt
2 1/2 ripe bananas
1/2-1 c. quick oats
1/2 ish tsp. cocoa
1/4-1/2 tsp vanilla
cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves (probably a whole 1/2 tsp cinnamon and less than a 1/4 of the other two)
1/2 c milk or so. I added that at the end when it needed more moisture to blend smooth.
oh...and the guilty addition, hazelnut creamer. I had some leftover and felt the need to use it. Yeah, it was pretty dang tasty, and yeah, it undermines the nutritional content.

It made 5-6 cups in my Bosch blender and it didn't last long.

So the biggest thing to mess around with here is your sweetener. The first time I did it, I used french vanilla yogurt that I had mistakenly grabbed at the grocery store (I thought I had plain). This time I used plain and so it probably did need the creamer or something to sweeten it up a tad. The bananas go along way, though, and my opinion of sweet is very different from my husbands, so tweak it for your and your family's tongue.

It is such a nice consistency and such a lovely color, as well as flavor, it was a delightful way to start this cold winter day.

Now, if you want an actual measured recipe, here's one I found online (that I stole the picture from).



This healthy pumpkin smoothie is like chilled pumpkin pie in a glass, but without the fat and calories. This thick and creamy smoothie makes a delicious and filling liquid breakfast or an energy-boosting ‘snack.’ Be sure to use a very ripe banana, preferably frozen, and sweeten your smoothie according to your preference.



  • 1/2 cup pumpkin puree
  • 1/2 very ripe medium-sized banana
  • 3/4 cup (organic*) fat-free vanilla yogurt
  • 1 tbsp honey
  • 1/2 tsp (additive-free*) pumpkin pie spice (or cinnamon and nutmeg*)
  • 1/4 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1 cup crushed ice

*ChemicalFreeSkinny recommendations



Place all ingredients in a blender and puree until smooth, making sure the ice is completely crushed.

Makes two servings


Per 8-10 ounce serving: Calories 167, Calories from Fat 5, Total Fat 0.7g (aat 0.3g), Cholesterol 2mg, Sodium 74mg, Carbohydrate 34g, Fiber 3.1g, Protein 6.6g


(Source: Fiona Haynes)


I went to a small high school (graduating class less than a hundred). A most excellent advantage of this situation was the opportunity to be involved in just about everything. I was in theatre, show choir, band, speech and debate, track, volleyball, did stats for boys basketball, chess club, business professionals of America (BPA)...and some more I can't remember at the moment. It did absolutely nothing to help me in focusing my interests and everything to do with making me a "jack of all trades and a master of none."

I was able to compete at the state level in BPA a few years and one of the years one of the keynote speakers talked about B-HAGs or Big Hairy Audacious Goals. I'm sure I took notes (and I probably still have them filed away) but what I took away was this idea to be unrealistic in your dreaming: dream big, be audacious, let them be complicated and maybe a bit crazy (or that's what I thought "hairy" meant). And call them B-HAGs so that if you don't get them done you don't feel bad. But if you do, rock on! And I'm sure there was an element of "shoot for the moon and even if you miss you'll land among the stars" kind of idea.

Some of mine where:
Sing on Broadway
Be in an opera
Write a musical
Write novels
Write music/be a singer-songwriter
live in another country for an extended period of time
learn lots of languages
work in an orphanage in Romania or Guatamala
build houses for Habitat for Humanity
get a PhD...in something
etc, etc, etc.

I have a sister who is a freshman in college right now and she's at that lovely, ripe age that is made for B-HAGging. The world is completely open to you, a blank slate to write on whatever and however you want (neat even cursive or all caps in flashing lights). I have such fond memories of that time. And no real regrets other than a few things I didn't do because of money or fear (art classes, music minor, a grammar class, and a certain study abroad). In some ways, I think that what we dream of at that time, whether we do it or not, really shows who we are and even influences who we become.

Sometime towards the end of my freshman year, however, I did have an impulse to be practical and created a five year plan with things like:
graduate from college
travel to another country
be temple worthy
done "significant service" (like Romania or something)

The plan grew and changed here and there and so did the B-HAGs. And then I hit my five year mark at the same time I met my husband and somehow B-HAGs just weren't a priority anymore.

Now we're almost exactly five years from that Sunday in March when I first met Eric and he exposed his odd and endearing sense of humor in the form of a compliment veiled as an insult and I'm finding that I have need of B-HAGs. Or something like them. And I just read this post (love the title!! " Mommies Dream Too", linked from another good post by a good friend. And I'm reading The Happiness Project. And we are 10 weeks away from finishing law school and a great unknown after that. And my health has been good enough for long enough for me to think on less immediate things. And even though it feels all New Yearsy, we are doing this anyway. I don't know how many posts there will be, or how much blogging fodder I've actually got here, but that's what we are doing over here at these Lines across my Face for the next little while.

And here's why. Or at least the short version. I mentioned I've been reading The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin (a book that chronicles the author's attempt to take a year and make a project of becoming happier in the life she already has) and it's given me the urge to be reflective. I know that a hugely important factor to my happiness and general sanity is to spend some regular time being reflective via journal, blog, prayer, conversation with someone I'm close to, etc. Gretchen nudged me with this question which I wrote down in a notebook and stared at for five minutes:

What makes me feel good? What activities do I find fun, satisfying, energizing?

Journaling failed me so I asked Eric. Without much of a pause (and he's a pauser) he said
"Projects. You don't always find them fun at the time and they often exhaust you, but you are always very satisfied after."

Go husband go! That was a pretty spot-on insight into my soul!

So I'm embracing that. And I'm growing it. It's so easy in this time of my life to neglect the things that really make me happy, and keep my sense of self alive and well and burning and vibrant. And if I believe that I am the heart of the home (and I do) than I want that heart to be burning and vibrant, too. It's so easy to know all this and so easy to lose track of actually doing it that I've decided to turn to my strengths and natural inclination for projects to make sure that happiness gets done as well as the laundry, the dishes, the dinner.

Before this post gets too much longer and it gets too much later, I'll leave with what I'm in the process of working out: I'm making myself pick a personal happiness project that is directly related to the other things that make me energized, satisfied, and that I have fun with (like creating, writing, learning) and make sure I get it done (completing things also makes me happy). And I always have to have one going, whether they are a week long or a month long, or whatever, there must always be one on the to do list along with everything else.

Back to B-HAGs.

I'd like to pay tribute to my B-HAGging days but also evolve the idea for my time of life. So I'm going to call these mini-projects B-HARs. Stay tuned to find out what THAT means!

A Knock on Wood and Valentines and No Pictures.

Today we left the house. It was a big deal since we've been home bound since our visit to the pediatrician's last Wednesday. Strep for both, with a side of sinus infection for Jane, and 1 ear infection for Emiline, her first. We just went to my sister's (who is moving in a week. A WEEK!!) and Jane gave Joey the Dora Valentine card she made him. We stayed longer then we meant to because we were going to stop at the grocery store and get the things we needed for our valentine's celebration, including stuff for cake. Jane has been after me to make a cake since her great grandma Ludlow sent her these copies of how to make different kinds of cakes, like a fish cake, a butterfly cake, so I thought we'd do that today, since, you know, it's a holiday and we're not sick!!

While at my sister's she said she overheard someone at church saying I'd been really sick for a really long time... like I was almost gravely ill. It hasn't been that bad, all though I love sympathy as much as the next person. Maybe I've been complaining too much on facebook. (I'm still trying to figure that thing out.) At any rate, here is our Sickness 2011 update:

As of today, Monday February 14, we are all doing so much better. We have had a lot of crap around here, at least one of us has been sick all year. My pediatrician seems to think it's all the going to the gym (and putting kids in babysitting there) I've been doing to keep my back healthy. Jane is super susceptible to upper respiratory issues and Emiline is so little that I won't be taking them to the gym at least til Spring...*sigh*

Jane has basically had a sinus infection since we got back to Minnesota. And I've been picking up their junk. Eric, luckily, has avoided it all until the nasty strep we got last week. It was really funny, I've been feeling really tired and worn out and like crap for a few weeks (and beating myself up over it) and finally Wed morning I woke up all bright eyed and bushy tailed and 100% better. I got so much done (and thinking, "oh! I wasn't lazy before, I was still sick!), but the girls where acting really sad so I took them in that afternoon and yes, they had strep, etc. We got our antibiotics and then at about 5:00 or 6:00 pm that night, it hit Eric and I really hard, too. It was really nice to have that day to feel like myself and get a bunch of things done (and get ready for us to be out of it again for awhile.) I think we've taken longer than usual to get over the strep, too, some because Jane and I have allergies to the best antibiotics, and maybe we're all run down. But we're almost there.

In the meantime, did you know that your supposed to throw away your toothbrush after strep so you don't reinfect yourself? Also, did you know you should boil your toothbrush after you've been any kind of sick so you don't reinfect yourself? Yeah. Good to know.

So Valentine's.
This extremely very long winter has made it imperitive in my mind to celebrate with gusto Valentine's day. We did our best this year. Jane and I made Valentine cards during Emiline's nap and sent a few out to grandparents. Turns out she really loves using the scissors (she can actually do a bit of cutting with my big honkin' ones) and using the glue stick. She still loves to color and draw, but I think she's ready for more. *sigh* I already have a little crafting pal! We made streamers for the ceiling fan, something my sister did with Jane a month ago and which she's been talking about since, and a few big pink hearts taped on the wall.

Then we went to my sisters to deliver valentine's and then we were going to go to the grocery store, but we stayed to long at my sisters. Luckily, I was able to talk Jane down out of that one and we averted a tantrum. Good thing we came home because when I did, there was a massive puddle of water on the floor around our "new" (awesomely cool comfy and cheep Goodwill) chair. Our ceiling was dripping water onto the chair and floor. Fun. Called the management, put the kids to bed, heard men on the roof scraping and kicking. Turns out the snow is melting too fast here with all this warm weather we've been having! (no kidding, 40 degrees feels like spring!! Jacket Weather!!) And several other apartments had leaks, too.

THEN we went to the grocery store. And thank goodness for Dora! Can I tell you how much easier (and more fun) it is to get my toddler out the door, even if it's someplace she wants to go, by telling her the three things we have to do and where we are going and singing:
"Come on vamanos!
Everybody let's go!
Come on let's get to i!
I know that we can do it!
Where are we going? Grocery Store!
Where are we going? Grocery Store!
Where are we going? Grocery Store!
Where are we going? Grocery Store!"

And yes we have to sing the repeat all four times and halfway through we have to trade off who sings the question and who sings the answer. And we can't sing it more than four times, either, we have to start over. She knows the whole thing and LOVES singing it! I'm surprised at how much I've enjoyed it, too.

We got a few fun things and cake stuff and then came home, made dinner (heart shaped grilled cheese sandwiches for the girls, and heart shaped grilled pimento, chicken, and cheddar cheese sandwiches for mom and dad, black currant sparkling cider (a lovely pink color) with heart shaped ice cubes, doritos (red), strawberries, and strawberry yogurt. I think we'll make it our tradition that each member of the family gets to pick something red or pink for the meal, something a little special that they like, and then share it. We also turned on our wedding playlist, which was fun and another tradition. Then we had cake with candles, Jane thinks all cake has candles, and then we opened presents! Yep, my mom sent some fun valentine things and it was just such a fun day. Why not, right? Why not find reasons to make things special and tell people you adore them? It was a really wonderful day. But no pictures...sorry. This post is more of a journal entry for me anyway. If you've read to the end, I'm way impressed and you must comment to make my jaw drop.

I can deal with the cold...not the colds.

Minnesota is pretty darn cold. When we first moved here, I was initially shocked when my primary girls/babysitters would come over in flip flops and shorts or no jacket or what not when the winter weather creeped up above freezing. Totally get that now. And yes, the cold makes my kids cry sometimes when we go out and makes things a bit harder to do here and there.

But what really drives me nuts is the sickness. I didn't have much winter before moving here--I spent 2 in Austin, and on in Mexico and Las Vegas before that--so maybe my memory is failing me, but I'm so tired of the sickness! Jane just got over a sinus infection and now she's all cruddy again. Same with Emiline, both have had fevers here and there, and I'm sick again as well and it hasn't even been a month. Jane's snot-hawk last Saturday (a mohawk but with snot for gel, you know when a kid wipes there nose upward into their hair) was both funny and gross, but I'm over it. Yuck, yuck, yuck.

Thanks for listening to the complaining (again! I'm sure I whine every winter)

Doot, doot, doot, doot, Dora!

Jane has had a fever and been sick, sad kiddo for a couple of days, worst of it being yesterday, and so to appease my child who just wanted to "lay" (on the couch) "with a blanket. and a pillow. and Lammy," we've had some Dora on. OK, a lot of Dora. Dora's impact on my child has been humorous and given me some stories to share here.

First, we'll start with Christmas. My parents have DVR and one of the first days we were there, I recorded a Dora Christmas episode. In this Dora episode and on a pillow in the entry of our building were the only places Jane had any contact or knowledge of Santa Clause. In the two weeks before Christmas, Jane watched that Dora episode about 8 times or so. Keep in mind that, to my knowledge, Jane had never seen a Dora episode before this and her primary exposure to Dora was on her pull ups. So for Christmas, we decided we didn't want Santa to get all the credit and all the focus for Christmas. We'll attribute the stocking to Santa, but for the other gifts, we wanted to keep Christ in them a bit more. I borrowed this idea from a friend, but we decided to limit the number of gifts to the number the Savior received- 3. And the kids would have seek the gifts out, like the wisemen who sought Jesus. My friend hides a different gift near a different "sign"- a star, an angel, and a manger. We decided to keep it simple and start with a star.
Christmas morning came, Jane started to get the fun of it and was excited about all the little fun things in her stocking. Then we transitioned to the looking for a star bit, she found her gifts, it was OK for a first time. About a half hour later, after Jane had a chance to look at her really cool presents that were under the star, Jane gets really excited and shouts "Thank You Dora!!!"

Not having really seen Dora and knowing how they always look for stars every episode, I didn't get the connection. But now that Dora and I are BFFs, It's even more funny.

The following events where all made possible by my sister's sweet donation of her ROKU and Netflix, which currently streams Dora.

Dora has helped Jane become more obedient. Every episode, they go on a trip to find something, and they always consult the map, and the map tells them three landmarks, in order, to get to where they need to go to do what they need to do. They repeat them over. For whatever reason, there are certain tasks Jane struggles with more than others. Putting her jammies away? no problem. Picking out a shirt to wear? got that. Getting her socks? Not so much. BUT I have since discovered if I tell her like The Map does, it gets done! (and we sing the We Did It song afterwards ;-) Sounds something like this:
"How do we get to your socks? Go down the hall, into your room, inside your sock basket. Go down the hall, into your room, inside your sock basket. Go down the hall, into your room, inside your sock basket. Say it with me! Hall, room, sock basket....repeat a few zillion times...where do we go first? Down the hall, that's right!"

Dora is teaching Jane Spanish. Turns out, the articula-tude of my toddler only extends to English.
estrellas? "estamayas"
gracias? "glah-shes"
vamanos? "vah-nee-mash"
And sometimes she makes up her own Spanish. She'll be narrating her life like she does and then say "in Spanish, that's blah-le-ka" or whatever three syllable nonsensical scat she can come up with. Her counting in English has taken the same kind of turn. Eight is "oh-che-chas."
Her Olla is pretty good, though.

And then there are the general Dora-isms:
I picked the girls up from babysitting at the gym and I was getting their coats on and I put down my purple backpack to do so. Jane pointed to it and said "Grab your backpack, let's go!"
Anytime anyone finds anything she says in her best Boots: "There it is!" And she loves to shout "we did it!"
Anything with anything resembling a pocket she calls a rainbow and puts imaginary stars in it.
Don't take anything that she is eating, playing with, looking at or is hers or she'll say "Swiper no swiping!"
And she loves to pretend a piece of paper is a map and talk about how to get to places. In the car, too, I've used it as an opportunity to teach a toddler geography of sorts. She's very interested about going to places and how we get there and what we see along the way. I can just say in my Dora voice "can you see the _______" to instantly distract her in the car.

And I get her to do almost anything for a Dora sticker.

Yes, we are enjoying our "doot, doot Dora" time. She kind of annoys Eric because everyone in the show talks so loud. But I'll take Dora over Angelina Ballerina or princesses for now.