Guess Who's Nine Months Old??

How did this happen??? Time is out of control over here!I love this picture of my little prince, and not just because it hides his massive forehead ;-) This was taken over conference weekend, he doesn't even fit into these clothes anymore...

 Sweet little sleeper. He's had his tongue like this for what seems like forever now, but it's probably just as long as he's been teething, which has been just shy of forever...
 This kid loves people, new experiences, and being the center of attention. He's in the perfect spot of the family for that!
He's growth curve is a lot like Jane's, although he's only in 12M clothing right now. I'm betting he'll grow out of his current stuff in about a month. He's got a bit more hair than Jane did at this age. He's got the big, smart head, sparkling blue eyes, and adoring smile. He's been crawling for about a month, but he's been serious about it the last few weeks. Before that, he pulled himself across the floor on his belly and rolled to get where he wanted to go. He loves to pull himself up on things, clap his feet together, and he is not deterred by obstacles. He LOVES to eat and is noisy the entire time, whether food is in his mouth or not, he's got something to say about it. He's been signing just a little bit, and mostly with Eric, on and off for about a month. He's most consistent about asking for water and milk. Screaming works better for more! He loves bananas, strawberries, pears, and yogurt best. Recently he's also enjoyed toast with lots of butter. And he's happiest when he eats whatever grown up food we are having for dinner- he really like Zucchini Lasagna the other day and anything with more complex and kicky flavors he can't get enough of.

He's got a good sense of humor and loves to play games with us. He still hates getting dressed, undressed, and diaper changes. He gets so indignant! It's both funny and exasperating. He loves to be held way too much, but then, there are too many adults around to indulge him. He's had a bit of separation anxiety lately, but only here and there the last few weeks.

He's a great night sleeper, and sometimes a good napper, sometimes a little turd. He's taking two naps these days. His morning nap is about 2-3 hours after he gets up, and his afternoon nap another 3-4 after that. Usually one of his naps is a good solid few hours. He never goes down happily and always cries for at least a minute or two before going to sleep. He still loves to nurse, but is super distractable if he hears any noise. We had a brief day or two of biting, but that's settled down (thankfully). He's got a really sensitive heart and is pretty perceptive. He cries when his sisters are sad, when Grandpa is gruff, or when I lose my patience (which NEVER happens!!!)

He is the apple of my eye! My Adam Apple! (nerrr.) I can't imagine not having him in our family right now. Man, God is smart!!

Happy Mother's Day

So my dream of  having quaint little sing-a-longs as a family is starting to come true. While tuning my ukulele, Eric made up this song. The girls thought it was a-maz-ing, and so we decided to sing it for Grammy. This one is for you!