On the positive side, Jane took her first steps on Sunday. Daddy was so pleased he didn't miss them. She's taken a handful of steps since then, but only when she doesn't realizing she's walking. In this case, positive reinforcement in the form of cheers and "yay-Jane!" doesn't work. She sits down immediately. Kind of like when she learned to crawl, her body started doing it before her mind thought she could and if her mind caught up with her, she'd revert.
She's still talking like crazy and has mastered "yes" (sounds like "syess") and I think it is by far her cutest word. She says "Zizzy" for her cousin Lizzy quite regularly and has some kind of sound for each of her cousins that live close. Although, she has said "nana" for Juliana before, she always greets Jules with a drawn out "Daahhhh!" Not sure what that one means yet as she uses it in other contexts. Other new-ish words are:
tickle tickle (because you can never have just one, and she never tickles others, just herself)
that (thdat)
this (zis)
water (dahter)
out (ouuuuuuuuu) which is just a word for "move me somewhere other than here"
Jane does a billion cute things a day and it's so much fun to watch her play, to see what she'll do next. I'm continually amazed by her fine motor skills, she can snap herself into her booster seat, she can put a bolt in a nut, she can unscrew a water bottle, etc, etc. And she really seems to enjoy imaginative play, which I'm guessing she learned from her cousins. The other day she took the shampoo bottle and had it talking to the conditioner bottle. She had separate voices for each one, it was hilarious.
Jane love's mommy's toy, too (the computer) and begs to get on it. I found a few baby games online that she gets a kick out of, and there's one very strange one (like teletubbies strange) that she likes to dance along with. I LOVE watching her dance.
This site has a list of links to more games that we've explored a bit, in case you're interested.
My friend just sent me a picture of Jane, letting me know they are doing very well.

I'm so lucky to have great friends.
I was curious about the weird game, and when I turned it on, Tucker got so excited!
I love the notion of "cuddly puppy turning into cat"
I miss you and your way of looking at life. I could the two years of living with you as one of my coolest blessings. Take care!
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