So here is the picture and letter we would have sent to you all.
Merry Christmas
from Eric, Marcee, Jane, and Presto

from Eric, Marcee, Jane, and Presto
Looking back on the year 2009, we find ourselves amazed, pleased, and grateful. We successfully made it through the first year of parenthood, the first year of law school, and our first Minnesota winter. We now understand what people told us when Jane was just weeks old—“time flies.”
Eric has done well at school, and we can now say (with proof) that law is a field in which Eric will thrive and excel. His writing skills last year earned him a spot on the civil rights moot court, and his attention to detail has further distinguished him this semester in research. He enjoyed his classes last year, but has loved his classes this semester and thinks he can now see his niche in a specific area of law: tax. Consequently, he’s currently on the job search for something tax related this summer. Last summer he had the opportunity to work with Judge Crabtree and the magistrate judges at the district court in Burley, Idaho. It was a great experience and each judge was an excellent mentor. This year, Eric has found a way to mentor as President of the Minnesota Law Families group (with Marcee as his unofficial VP), officer in the J. Reuben Clark Law Students group, an orientation leader back in September, and a student instructor starting this January. Being so busy hasn’t stopped him from being an awesome daddy and husband. Jane thinks her daddy is pretty hilarious, snuggly, patient, and all around wonderful. Marcee thinks so, too.
Marcee has had a challenging year as well. She feels like she’s getting the hang of this parenthood thing and just wishes her body would cooperate more fully. She’s had some back problems throughout the year, which have interfered with life somewhat, with two particularly rough spots where she couldn’t even take care of Jane for a while. We are hopeful that things will continue to heal. While on her back, Marcee discovered the wide world of craft, design, and mommy blogs, began digital scrapbooking, and has learned to enjoy reading for pleasure again. She had a busy summer as well, having surgery, completing her Masters, and moving to a slightly bigger apartment with a whole lot more light. She loves serving in primary both as 11 year old teacher and music co-director with Eric. She does the planning and preparing during the week and he does the teaching on Sunday. They are a great team. Speaking of teamwork, Marcee is learning to step it up with regards to house management so that Eric can spend his time at home more effectively.
Jane started talking early, moving late, and growing ahead of schedule. Her head is off the growth charts, she’s at the top of the charts in height and weight, she has all four molars and is cutting her eye teeth. Jane began crawling at ten months old while at Grandma Julie’s, then took her first steps 4 months later. Needless to say, Mom and her back were very excited by this development. Jane has always been a vocal child and began talking before she began crawling. Her first word was “hi.” Her vocabulary is easily more than 40 words and with the two latest and cutest being “star” (or “tars”) and “snow” (this one can’t be described, she blows out her nose for the “s” and than says “no,” for a video of it, go check out here). She also knows the number three, since we live on the third floor, and likes to “count”. She’s grown into such a loving child—hugging, cuddling, and kissing. She is a gift we get to unwrap everyday as we watch her personality and character develop. We are amazed at how, already, she is so independent, particular, and detailed.
“Presto” will be joining our family sometime in May. His/Her nickname comes from the style of his/her entrance into our family, as in: “Presto! You’re pregnant!” We are sure this little one will add the same delight and magic to our family.
As this holiday approaches, we find ourselves wishing we could spend more of it with the people we love most and hope that this letter compensates somewhat for our absence. We love you!
1 comment:
I love that picture and card. I had the hardest time finding cards that reference Christ at all... I also have to say that I love that Eric likes TAX LAW. :) I am quite impartial to tax law myself being a CPA with a master degree in tax accounting. Eric is my new favorite law student!
I hope that your back continues to heal and that your pregnancy with "Presto" goes well.
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