It's amazing how fast a sweet, giggly, cutey, widdle baby turns into a tyrannical toddler. I really hope it is just the teething and the interrupted sleep. I think I have said "be nice" at least a few thousand times today. When Jane starts that really grating whine of hers, I say "Stop (she usually stops for a second). Be nice (she rubs her tummy for "please"). What do you want?" And then we play twenty questions, interrupted numerous times with whining and "Stop. Be nice." I had no idea I had so much patience. All though when she pushed her water away a little vigorously this afternoon, I admit I pushed her hand back a little too vigorously, which broke her heart. But then, these days it breaks her heart if I sit on the couch instead of on the floor with her, or if I am out of eye sight for a second, etc. etc. etc.
And yet, she's sleeping sweetly in her crib right now, she was very sweet when I rocked her before bed and even cuddled on my shoulder for a few seconds (which she never does), and I find myself missing her. Yep, parenthood is a mental disorder because I'm nuts. What's that syndrome hostages get, you know where they start to love their captures? Mush-something?
I mean, LOOK at this picture! It makes you mush-something just looking at it, right?
Stockholm syndrome.
Sounds very familiar. Glad I'm not the only one loving my little tyrant. :)
Wow, I feel the exact same way...and Nathan is a little tyrannical toddler as well. I always feel so bipolar!
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