We've been MIA. Last Wednesday was Emiline's 4 month appt. Shots made her quite sad for a few days. And nights. Which made Mom sad too, or rather tired. Not only did she wake up 3x a night, but she took 45 minutes or more to settle back down. Jane began a runny nose last week, too. Which turned into goopy eyes and a fever by Friday and thus a doctor's visit yesterday. Double pink eye and a double ear infection. Man, I'm glad for antibiotics. I'm not looking forward to a whole winter of ear infections, however. And I'm hoping and praying Emiline doesn't get any of it, although she woke up last night with some congestion so I let her sleep from 3:30 on in her swing. We've decided we need to get serious about preparing Emiline to share rooms with Jane. Right now, Emiline has little ability to self soothe herself back to sleep, thus all the night wakings. So I've formulated a plan for that (I blame it all on the binky...and the fact that I'm so spineless and can't stand her cry, it's so piercing!) and hopefully we'll have them sharing soon!
Now the reason behind the hilarious title:
Jane, now that she is sick and covered in boogers, is no longer interested in them. She's sad a lot of the day because she feels so crappy. She is no preoccupied with being happy. She'll tell me with tears in her eyes just two seconds after she's been wailing about something: "Mom, I not sad. I happy!" She'll also tell me and Emiline that we aren't sad either. It's pretty cute. Thus, Happy is the New Boogers.
And here's a short update on my 4 month old (man I love this age so much more than newborn!) She's finally started to show more interest in toys, a blessing and a curse. At the moment, Emiline gets super frustrated with her toys and her "playing" doesn't seem all that fun, for both of us. In particular, there is a shiny butterfly under a plastic dome on the saucer that makes her cry every time. She can't get it and gets so frustrated we have to take her out. I've even taken to covering it with a burp cloth and it helps her play a bit longer. Until it falls off. She's also nailed herself in the head a few times with rattles as she was shaking them so vigorously. I don't remember this stage with Jane, if it happened or not.
Conference was a different experience with two babies, especially with one of them sick. One was pretty much crying the whole time and didn't really nap during sessions, darn it.
But we had fun anyway. It's been really a treat to see sister love bloom already. Jane loves to help and play with Emiline and Emiline doesn't like to be awake without her sister, they are both much easier these days when they are both awake.
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