Emiline is 5 months old today. And Jane is potty trained!! Woot! Woot! I'm planning on writing a post about that later, but lets just say it was a blast! She was ready, I was ready, and it was a party every time she had a success. She's been in panties almost a week now and just had a handful of accidents.
Sisters, sisters, never where there such devoted sisters! When Emiline woke up from a nap, Jane wanted to get in her crib and read her a story. I think she liked it.
Jane has the craziest morning hair. Mine hair isn't even a bit fine so this ratty thing is totally new to me.
An attempt at a family picture. We kept cutting of Emiline's face and this was the best one we got.
Daddy is the best reader of stories. He is, as Jane would say "so silly!" He never reads the words the same way twice.
Hope you liked! We sure love our little family. I'm doing my best to enjoy and delight in this time.
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