I'm so excited to celebrate Halloween tomorrow! I've had fun making both girls costumes. For more than a year I've been seeing refashion projects on blogs and I've started stashing things (instead of Goodwilling them) to have a refashion supply. I tried to make some doll clothes last Christmas (good idea, mediocre execution) and then goofed around trying to make a dress that I will probably still finish for this Christmas for Jane. But in the last month I've had some rocking successes, including this year's costumes. I've been wanting to experiment with ruffles, roushing (how the crap do you spell that?), and knits and this gave some good experience. So here's what I've got:

Homemade Baby Witch Costume
I pulled out Ye' Ol'
Make and Do Book from Days of Yor and there were instructions on how to make a cone hat, out of felt.

I think it turned out pretty good! Then I took a pair of leggings I'd bought last year at Target dollar spot (way close to Halloween or after for half off) and cut the legs off and those are the green arm warmers you see. I used the rest of the leggings as a kind of cap to keep Emiline's head warm and keep her hat on.

The dress is cut from a too large underarmour type garment. I used the original neck whole and just copied one of her other dresses. It was incredibly easy to do! The stripped leggings are actually the inspiration piece. They are a Baby Legs knock off and she wears those regularly and every time I have them on her I think how cute they'd be as part of a witch costume. Ta Da! Hopefully we'll get some cute pictures of baby in costume instead of baby napping and costume on floor. All I spent this year was 87 cents plus tax for the three pieces of felt. And the 50 cents last year for the leggings.
Jane's costume really is more of a sneak peak, it's nearly done, though.

I've got to get her kitty cat ears done and that's pretty much it. The top is made from a legging of an old pair of lounge/yoga pants. It is way cute on, and doesn't look crooked at all (it is very crooked). I'm also proud of the tail. Again I used half off target dollar spot leggings in a creative-ish way. I made the tail out of that same shirt I used for Emiline's costume, stuffed it with some old pilly pillow flush and a piece of wire. Then I cut the legs off the leggings and used them like bloomers and sewed the tail to it. The legs of the leggings will be arm warmers.

Toddler Kitty Cat Costume
Total cost for Jane's: a $1.00 glittery black headband that I may or may not actually use. $.25 for felt and $.50 for leggings from last year, although we used those a lot so it's technically a refashion.
We've got a packed day tomorrow! I feel so blessed to be able to have the energy and strength this year to make costumes and actually take the girls out!
Those look cute! Way to go making costumes. That's beyond me, but maybe one day...
Cute! Cute! I love getting costumes as cheap as possible, however, this year, I had zero desire to actually sew anything. Thanks to Bonnie Z. I am set up however, and very excited also to show off my cute kids in their Grinch costumes!
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