We didn't get a lot, or any, big baby gear besides the basic crib, stroller and car seat. And /jane didn't like the swing I borrowed from my sister much (or this typical 1st time mommy didn't really give her chance to like it what with all my holding her all the time and all) and she had no use for the bouncer we borrowed. But I'm fairly sure Rhysinor will have more time to appreciate the swing, so I've been on the look out for something that will work in our apartment and that was REALLY cheap. I'd troll craigslist obsessively for a few weeks at a time and hem and haw over options, I'd started to drive by garage sales and poke into Once Upon A Child when I could (they were actually the sorriest looking option, until today that is!!).
FINALLY after nearly giving up, I found this:

for a grand total of $9.42 (I had a punch card and a discounted gift card from last Christmas). It's in GREAT condition, folds up pretty small... and I secretly think the price was mislabeled, but I'm thrilled. WOOT, WOOT! SCORE!
WOW!!!! That is seriously an awesome deal!!!! I can never find deals like that!!! My brother and sister-in-law have one of those swings and it's nice, aside from the fact that you can take it along with you cause it's small. We actually need to buy a swing as well because I borrowed one for the girls from my sister. She is due 10 days before me this time so we'll definetely not be able to borrow it again. Has baby Rhys showed up yet??? Good luck with everything!!!
Everybody here says it looks like a great swing for baby Rhyno...we mean Rhysinor. Actually, my vote for a name is Caroline.
Love it and love the deal! Cate liked her swing when she was older, but she loved her bouncy seat. She loved being able to look around and see everything and everyone all the time. :)
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