Falling Down

Eric told her to say "grrrr!"

You know, if we could all retain that toddler persistence to learn and accomplish and grow our whole lives, we'd all be celestial by now--perfect and brilliant, etc. Take learning to walk or run. I read an article that talked about how many times a toddler falls in learning to walk, it was something ridiculously high.

Jane is finally getting into her gross motor development. Daddy "taught" her to jump the other day, not that Jane can jump, but she tries and says "jump" and laughs. She also likes to run and will repeat the word over and over as she waddles down the hall or where not. This has meant more falls lately as she tries to master this skill (or because her shoes don't fit?)

The other day, to use an Idaho phrase, she totally biffed it off the curb coming out of the post office and ended up with a scraped up face and a bloody nose. It all healed incredibly fast and barely bruised, so these pictures, taken a day or two later, are mostly cute because apparently Eric can get her to smile.

I know, I know, you can barely see it up there below her eye!
It was a little gruesome at one point, but it healed amazingly fast.

Let's hear it for Toddler Tenacity!!

1 comment:

Paty said...

Yes, children are very persistent and that's great because that's how they learn. If they were like adults who often times quit on stuff when things don't turn out, they would never learn anything.

Jane is a cutie and those are great pictures of her smiling!!!

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