Emiline Rhys Ludlow
May 28, 2010 2:15 am
8 lbs 6 oz 20.25 in
medium brownish wisps of hair, eye color undetermined
born in the caul (i.e. my bag of waters/amniotic membrane didn't break during l&d and she was inside it. It was like opening a present in the strangest wrapping!)8 lbs 6 oz 20.25 in
medium brownish wisps of hair, eye color undetermined
We'd have been more on the ball with our online announcement, but there was a problem coming up with a name...on the plus side, you'll get more pictures for your patience!
Congrats, Marcie! She's just beautiful! And the story about Jane comforting Emiline when she was crying is so cute! So excited about your two little girls!!!
Hooray!! How exciting. I'd love to read about your birth. Also.. did you ever take Bradley classes? The doula I want is making me take them if i want to be with her.
I love the church picture!!
What a beautiful baby. She is more on the dark side where little Jane is blond..Cute-cute. G'Ma
Congrats Ludlows! Jackson was born on May 28th so your new little one and my boy share a birthday. Your new is cute and Jane looks so happy.
Congrats! She's beautiful! :D
Congratulations!!! She is beautiful!!!
Yay! She's adorable, and so is the name. I wish I could see you all!
Congratulations Marcee! She is such a beautiful little girl! Glad she wasn't too late :)
Hope we get to meet her next month. You have a beautiful family!!!!
Wishing all of you wonderful days ahead! Lots of glitter is in your future!
Congratulations, she is beautiful! I love what a sweet big sister Jane is. I hope Tuck will do that well.
Coming from a mom of two girls who are close in age ... you are in for so much fun! She is beautiful.
Yay! So cute! Congrats!
congrats, Marcee! You did it!
Yippee! A wife for Josh!! Isn't it great knowing you'll never have to wonder about the type of family your future husbands-in-law come from? You roomed with their mom! :D Congratulations!!
Congratulations! What a blessing for her to be able to come to your home. She'll be loved and taught correct principles. We are happy for all of you.
She is so precious, so glad I got to see her at the picnic. Girl power all the way!!!
Your baby girls are BEAUTIFUL, Marcee!! Congratulations to you for your bundles of joy!! <3
Congratulations Marcee! Emiline is so beautiful, and Jane -- what a wonderful big sister! Love to all from California -- So, so happy for you -- Shannon and the Cisneros family
Love it! She's beautiful and I love the pics withe her big sis :D
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