Oh wait! I mean The First Two Weeks. Time more than flies and I've really been enjoying the chance I've had this time around to stop and smell my rose--It's great having a newborn when you aren't moving anywhere (man we were nuts!!)
So here are some things I've learned:
Baby #2 is SO much easier than #1 (this is of course assuming #1 is kept busy with lots of play dates... so I am just caring for #2). Now, Jane was an easy baby. But she was still a baby. And I was a novice. Emiline is thus far NOT an easy baby, and yet it's so much easier this time around (and not just because we're not moving). There's almost no learning curve, after reminding and remembering kicked in, the only thing I've had to figure out is Emiline. And that part has been really fun!

On Emiline:
She's spirited! She knows what she wants and she has limited patience. Her cry really only has two levels: loud and louder (or shrill and shriller). She has a pathetic sounding warning cry that's pretty soft and sweet, though. I keep getting the feeling that she's a bit frustrated being a newborn. She's very aware and alert pretty much whenever she is awake (or she's crying) and she thinks she knows how to hold her head up already and is always trying to keep it steady, she ends up looking like a bobble head doll. She's also a mommy's girl. She needs more touch and cuddling than Jane did. She will even scoot her way over to me in bed til she's right against me and snuggle right in. She really likes her hands including sucking on them. She likes to be swaddled but prefers her hands peeking out. As for taking a binkie- don't even think of giving one to her if she's upset, you have to calm her down first. And she does like music, the favorite right now is Sarah Lee Guthrie's Holdin' Back.
She had her 2 week appt today and she's 90th percentile for height and head and 75th for weight. She's back up to her birth weight so I can stop worrying about milk supply and everything.
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