This one is for my dad.

We had a special relationship growing up, in a good way, not "special" as in challenging or anything like that. For whatever reason, I was his little darling. It started when I was a baby and I would only let dad calm me, apparently Mom was just there for the milk. I think that probably stroked his ego so much that it also carved out a larger place in his heart or something. It's been hard, but I guess inevitable, to see our relationship change so much with my marriage. And it's been fun to see it grow again as I watch him be Grandpa to my girls. I can't wait for Jane to "climb the mountain" with Grandpa!
This one is for Eric's dad.

I don't know Eric's dad as well as I'd like, but what I do know well, I love. Probably my favorite thing to observe is the way he plays games with his family, particularly with Eric. It's pretty fun to watch the influence Bill still has over Eric, even while playing games. A game of scum can show you how he's a great example of making what you can out of life and not complaining in the process. Or just complaining enough to be amusing to those around you ;-) The Ludlows have always been come-as-you-are-and-we'll-love-you-with-no-terms-attached, and Bill is very much the same way. They've taught me a lot about love and acceptance.
This one is for my Eric.

It's a joke, and true, that we celebrate holidays late during the school year. Our first Thanksgiving in law school was celebrated after his last final. Valentine's day was not the 14th, but when we could fit it in. Or we just ate chocolate and called it good. Mother's day was optional. He told me he'd feel really bad if I did something for him for Father's day because Mother's day this year didn't happen like he wanted it to. But I can't help at least blagging (blog-bragging) about him a bit. Since Emiline was born, Eric has been the full-time parent to Jane. I was a bit worried about how this would go down, for both parties, but it has been a beautiful thing. Today during church when Eric got up to sing with the double quartet, Jane started to cry and wail for her Daddy. She's grown quite attached to him and he's in love with his girl. There is such joy in sharing the cute, the goofy, the silly, and the not so cute things your children do with your husband. I'm so glad that Eric finds the same joy in sharing. He loves being a daddy. He's always so willing to help out and never feels like he's done enough or his share or anything. He's always willing to change a diaper without complaint. No kidding. Always. He helps me be a better mother with his support and love and confidence. It's been a joy to watch him try to live up to his own high standards of Fatherhood. And I know that he will do it, too.
Happy Father's Day everyone!
You are amazing!
So cute! Love the pictures! I have that same brown dress for my baby and it is one of my favorites! It's so darn cute! :) You are a bunch of cute girls! :)
The pictures and cards turned out great. You all look so cute matching.
Love the cards! We both picked some amazing guys to marry, huh? :)
I love reading your blog. Moments ago I just finished reading your narrative about giving birth to Emiline. Thank you for posting that. What an amazing experience. I've never heard of a baby being born in your sac of waters. I'm so glad you were able to be in tune with your body and come out realizing, indeed, how strong you are. I've always known that--come on--you're Marcee Monroe (Ludlow) :) Anyway, as I'm on the verge of l&d myself, I loved reading your story. I miss you and am so thankful that I got to be roommates with you once so long ago.
Love the Father's Day cards ... what a great idea!
Marcy!!! I found your blog. :) Your baby is so beautiful. How are things in MN? Miss you guys.
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