This year was probably the slimmest sending of Christmas Cards yet, I almost didn't send any but The Mom just pointed to the wall of Monroe Christmas Cards for the last 30+ years and we broke the change jar to send out a handful. Thank goodness blogging is free!!
We also made a video for family that is oh-so-far away. Jane has fallen in love with the Christmas Story and so we took a video of her telling it, with a little prompting, and even a few songs. Emiline gets in on the action a few times, too. It's important to note that her knowledge of the birth of the Savior comes primarily from the scriptures. She's seen one movie, a very short one with almost no dialogue, a few times and that's it. She's just in love with Mary and the baby and all of it, so it's really sweet to me the details she adds. You can see the video here:
Without further ado, here is a our Christmas Letter:
Highlights and Snapshot of 2011 for the Eric and Marcee Ludlow Family
3/4- Opening night of Harry Torter and The Magical Law School, a musical parody. Eric played Hagrid and had a ball! At this same time, Emiline was crawling all over the place, trying to talk, shouted her first word,“Jane!”, and starting to walk. She’s been busy! Jane’s art skills expanded to using scissors and glue sticks.
4/10- Marcee sang with the Minnesota Choral Society’s Spring Concert, including John Rutter’s Gloria. At this same time, the apartment was nearly totally packed up and Marcee, her awesome sister Melisa, Jane, and Emiline were a few days away from driving a U-Haul trailer loaded with the best of their stuff to Idaho to begin their months as nomads. They left early to help her mother with wedding prep while Eric stayed behind to finish school.
5/1-7- A Wedding, a Funeral, and Eric’s (unattended) Law School Graduation.
Our special niece Mallory passed away a few days before the wedding of Marcee’s brother, Jordan. Marcee and the girls were so blessed to see her again and even hold her on her last night on earth. She changed our lives and our perspective. She is a bit of heaven and gave us a window into the world we are striving for.
5/26- Left for the great summer road-trip. First stop was Arizona to see some Ludlow cousins and Great Grandma Ludlow. While there, they celebrated one happy, enthusiastic year of Emiline at the end of May. Then they continued across New Mexico, with some fun stops along the way (amazing Mexican food! best sand dunes!) and spent another few days in Lubbock with Eric's sister Belinda and her family.
6/3- The family finally reached Fort Worth to spend a month at the Ludlow Homestead, just in time for Eric to really hit the books studying for the bar. They had lots of fun adventures and good times with nearly all of the Ludlow family: the Zoo, the Water Gardens, and the Stockyards, a backyard water party, and Eric joined the family when he could. They even managed a quick trip to Austin, where it all began. Then they left the Texas heat behind and stopped to see some old friends in Wichita and Cheyenne on the long trip home.
7/10- Marcee’s 10-Year High School Reunion, making her feel all grown up. (Not old.) Eric was in full study mode for the bar, and the girls were fully enjoying their summer with family. Both girls discovered the joy of jumping, on and off the trampoline, and Emiline spent hours honing that skill every day (on and off the trampoline). Jane began singing, all the time, everywhere, and Emiline learned to put her toys away---in the tub.
7/26-27- Idaho Bar Exam. Eric was nervous, everyone else was confident. They all prayed anyway.
8/14- Jane turned three! Enjoyed more family visiting, the county fair, and a trip to Scipio, Utah, with a hike up the mountain where Marcee’s Dad used to drive the cattle as a boy. Jane did as well as a mountain goat and LOVED the rocky adventure! At this same time, Emiline went through a stage of growling all her communication, and Jane, the helpful sister she is, methodically taught Emiline the important life skill of how to pick one’s nose.
9/10- Jane’s first day of preschool, a once a week, in-home, mother’s group. Jane loves the socialization above all else, but she has also been learning to write her letters (and figuring out spelling on her own, too). Both girls have also started singing in Harmony Kids with Grandma Julie, which quickly became their favorite day of the week.
9/29—Eric’s Swearing-In Ceremony to become an Attorney before the Idaho State Bar in Boise. What a special day! Marcee and the girls (and everyone) beamed with pride and excitement! Also around this time, Jane began to develop a fascination with tying knots—in everything.
12/9- Opening night of The Joy Factory, a children’s musical and Christmas benefit Marcee and her mom co-produced and directed. Jane was even in a few scenes, and both girls knew all the songs. It took up most of the family’s fall and Eric got roped in as the technical director running the lights and sound. It was a sweet success and a great way to kick off the family’s Christmas season, reminding us all of the joy of giving to others.
We end our year at a much different pace than we began it with another, but different unknown path to travel. Yet, we are one year’s worth of experience and events wiser. Life keeps moving forward and with our faith and the gift of our Savior, we will all keep growing and finding joy.
Nice letter, and I love your short hair!
What a busy, eventful year! No Christmas cards for us this year either, thank goodness for technology! :) Merry Christmas!
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