"Sometimes the most important decision I make during the day is when to go to bed, especially with sick kiddos who wake up all hours of the night."
I started to post that as a FB status and then quickly realized it was more of a blog post. I'm in the mood to ruminate, but not for the wide eye of facebook in abbreviated terms. I also realized that I'm a blogger because I like to share my thoughts in about 300 words or so with people who care to look me up to read them, not just anyone who's news feed happens to pull me up depending on the time of day they log on and attempt to judge my entire mood from a paltry line or two.
I really should go to bed, Emiline was up from 2-5 last night and I didn't go to bed til nearly midnight last night. Emiline has not been herself for a while and yesterday woke up with a fever that has been varying in intensity since. Tonight Jane complained of being cold even though she was burning up. I put her jammies on her sorry self, put her and a blanket on my lap and she fell asleep right away before 7:30 with her cousins still over playing downstairs AND she had a nap today (never mind that it was a complete fight to get her down).
So I should expect tonight to be full of comforting my children and slim sleeping for me. But my creative side that's been taking a back seat since, oh, I don't know, 2010 (wedding not included), has been unleashed. It started with finally adhering some vinyl to a tile. It's like a monster. I still have pretty important to dos glaring at me and I'm totally creatively distracted. The beast must be satiated and nothing I've done so far has been sufficient.
I think it was made worse by trying to send some writing to a friend of mine (we decided to start exchanging writing again, you know, to motivate us, etc) and I went through some things, including my Come What May blog/story (that honestly, I think has a lot of potential and made me excited). And then in addition to wanting to finish sewing the canopy/tent for Jane's bed, paper crafting some signs to perk up the girls' room, making a pair of pajama shorts (since my Dad accidentally threw away a whole bag of dirty clothes from our trip because they were in a garbage bag and near the door...*sigh*) a bunch of decorating things at my mom's house, redesign my achievement calendar into something I can legally sell on Etsy, finish adhering that vinyl I mentioned, learn how to make digital scrap-booking elements (anybody know anything about this, please leave a comment), I also wanted to finish writing a song I started a year ago, a poem for a friend who moved away in February, completely update my blog NOW, and work on a few novel ideas...oh, and work on a painting for my brother's new house. I would call that beastly, no?
Well, Creative Beast and I are going to have to just muzzle it for a while. Or the night. I'm allowing myself to finish this post then go to bed.
Yep, don't want to be done yet...
"Sometimes the most important decision I make during the day is when to go to bed, especially with sick kiddos who wake up all hours of the night."
Anyway, choosing to go to bed at a decent hour means, in theory, that I wake up well rested, enough to get up earlier and get more done in a day. But choosing to go to bed means that when I wake up, I won't be my own anymore. I'll be at the mercy of my darlings. And mercy-me I love my darlings, but by the end of the day these days my darlings make me cry mercy by the end of the day. I guess it's called self-control. Or discipline. Or being a grown up. Or a parent. Or just plain common sense. Maybe wisdom. Whatever it is, it is fleeting tonight and instead of bed I want:
Creativity! Forever! (sort of like this:)

P.S. I'm also taking submissions and suggestions for what my creative beast might look like...
I think your creative beast should look like the "alot" from that gloriously funny website Hyperbole and a Half. :D
Have you read "How a Fish Almost Ruined My Childhood" or "The Party" (I think that's the name) they are hysterical! When I really need a good laugh I always go to her site.
Also, I stay up late WAY to much because I crave the me time I get, so I totally understand that.
And I have been bitten by the creative beast many times. The last time, I made a lot more tutus and hair accessories than I know what to do with! Selling them would be nice...any ideas?
Sometimes if I find a nice independent activity for Cate during the day then I can get something else done while she's busy. i.e. clean painting, sorting small things, looking at books, using stickers, etc. Good luck!
I try to explain the Creative Beast to my husband regularly ... mostly when there are too many projects in various states cluttering up his existence! :)
I know what you mean comparing FB and blogging worlds. However, I end up taking it a step further. Most of the things I would love to write about and get out of my head involve other people .. and most of them will eventually read the blog posts .. and so I don't write it, leaving it to jumble up my head!! It is not that I want to write negatively about others. It is about learning experiences or life approaches and my thoughts on those moments. So for now, they stay in my head.
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