a la Laurie Berkner's Five Days Old. Emiline must have known Laurie Berkner in a previous life. A dear friend gave us one of her DVDs and she popped it in when were over at her house when Emiline wasn't even 3 months old and it was all smiles! I feel kind of guilty letting her "watch" it, but the fact that it's all music and she loves it so completely does a lot assuage. Actually, Emiline is sick today, some kind of flu? (diarrhea and a fever for the last three days) and she's a sad girl. She wants to play but then wimpers after just a few seconds of any one thing. Except Laurie Berkner. It's the thing keeping her content at the moment so I can type. She particularly loves Victor Vito.
Can I just say how much I love this age? Granted, smelling my sister's newborn makes just a titch sentimental of that stage. But just the smell. That's it. They lose that new baby smell so fast!
Anywho- Emiline is such a fun little baby. It was fun to have my parents here and see her through their eyes. Number one comment, (besides her overwhelming cuteness) is
"She's not easy to hold!" Yes, she leans. She's very grabby and I have a feeling she'll be crawling sooner rather than later. She wants to move. She's very happy and has no stranger anxiety yet. Although, she has exhibited a preference for mommy already. Eric was getting her ready for bed and she was past tired one night when I walked past her room and smiled. Eric said she lit up for a minute and then gave him the biggest pouty lips and bawl the second I was out of eye sight. It's endearing...but also makes me wary. Being needed so much is exhausting!
She has been sitting up pretty steadily for a while now. She stills falls on occasion, usually because she's reaching for something or other. But she cries more about it these days, even when I KNOW it didn't hurt. You can see on her face when she knows she's started to fall and she starts crying about it before she lands. She gets mad about losing her balance. It's pretty funny.
She's a social little bee. If we've been in the house too long, she gets fussy and wants to see a new face. It's a very good thing we make it to the gym most days. She loves new faces to look at it and it's a breeze taking her to the grocery store.
She's got the whole passing from hand to hand thing down really well and can get things in her mouth with incredible ease and accuracy. She really likes taking things out of other things. We have several different baskets of toys and her current favorite thing is to take each on out, turn the basket over, and then cry to tell me she wants to do it again.
It's been interesting to watch her play when Jane is around. She's had substantially less time on her own to figure things out than Jane ever did. When Jane is up, most of the time Emiline is watching her play at least half the time. And the other half (OK, more like fourth) of the time Jane is encroaching or at least interrupting what Emiline is doing. I've been making an effort to make sure Emiline gets time to play with toys on her own before Jane jumps in.
We've started her on solids. Since she was a week late, we started her a week ago. But she has not had any kind of cereal yet and I'm not planning on it any time in the future, you know, unless her doc gives me a talking to and good reasons. I've decided to let her have full control of what she eats, hoping that will result in a kid more in tune with her palate and tummy as well as experimental. Here's yet another promise to talk about this approach in another post, because this one is all about my dear Emiline.
Favorites. Other than Laurie Berkner, Emiline loves her sister, her mommy, strangers, 80s music, (and most other kinds too), her binky (definitely an oral child!), balls, jewelry and watches, stuffed animals, patty cake with daddy (she likes it so much more with him...maybe I do it wrong?), Wash the Ladies Dishes with mom, being a part of meals at the dinner table,
and kicking. You should see this kid in the bathtub! She kicks both legs at the same time and sends water 5 feet in the air. I keep the shower curtain part way closed to minimize the mess and I don't bring my cell phone in the bathroom for fear of water damage. Jane LOVES to bathe with her sister and finds all the splashing alternately hilarious and disconcerting (when it gets in her eyes).
She has been a real joy. I kind of laugh at myself when I remember how nervous I was to have two and the timing of it all. I can't wait to get to know her more and more and watch her grow and develop into the person she already is. Yeah, being a mom kinda rocks.
1 comment:
She's adorable! They grow so fast..
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