A New Venture- And a Giveaway!

Remember when I launched my "Mastering My Masters" blog? Well, it totally worked. I finished my Masters Thesis.

Remember (if you've known me very long) how I always thought I'd write novels some day? Well, I've decided now is the time to conquer that beast, or, more accurately, when Emiline is sleeping through the night. BUT she has now slept through the night 3 times in the last week so I feel like I can begin thinking about this awesome project.

I have always felt like there is an enormous pressure on a writer in completing the first novel. ENORMOUS. So much so, that there are lots of would-be-writers (me?) who don't get past that first one. So I've decided to take the pressure off and write my first novel via a blog. I will write everyday until Eric graduates from law school and at the end I will have my first novel. I won't be able to go back and revise or edit or change my mind or anything, I just have to plow right through and git 'er dun. It will be a little bit playful and hopefully a lot of fun and a great learning experience.

Here's where you come in. I'm asking my vast (smirk. guffaw. snort) fan base out here in blog land to get me started. I am asking you to provide a two sentence plot summary for my novel. Now, plot summaries usually sound ridiculous, as the delightful Shannon Hale points out in this blog post, any good work can sound ridiculous in a parred-down sentence-long plot summary. (If you don't know what a plot summary sounds like, click on over to that link above and you'll get an idea of them pretty fast. )So, you get more points for being ridiculous, because that means I'll be more literary in the end. Or something.

Here are the rules:
1) You must provide at least the main characters name. You may also provide tertiary names.
2) None of the names you choose can be my name or names of my immediate family.
3) You must indicate some kind of plot.
4) You must submit them here, via the comment form, before Tuesday September 7, 2010
5) The plot summary must not be longer than two sentences.

Feel free to attach a title along with your summary, if you choose. But it's totally optional.

And in the spirit of blogland, let's make this a giveaway. The winning plot summary will receive something very special from one of my sponsors/something I've made!!!!! (exclamation points also in the spirit of blogland. don't you lurve blogland?) The rest of you will earn my undying love. Well, you probably already had that. But, pretty, pretty, please post? Pretty please help me out here! With a cherry on top!!!

Get Ready.
Get Set.

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