Heavens I wish I'd had a camera when Eric and I walked into Jane's room that morning to wish her a Happy Birthday. She was sitting up and the second we started singing, she started shouting "No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No!" A perfect toddler start to the day!
I had printed out a big schnazzy #2 and put it on her place mat, we had all her presents wrapped and sitting on the kitchen table and she got to eat her favorite cereal-Marshmallow Mateys (I wish I'd never let her try it, it's all she wants these days!) Then we let her open a couple of presents before her party at the beach and park near our apartment. She opened up some sand toys and a Wiggles movie.
We had a party at the park/beach
with some friends
and some of my family that had come into town for a man-cation up north. It was a wonderful coincidence.
We planned well and prepared well so it was pretty low stress. I had a couple of girls from my primary class present and past to help with Jane and the baby. They where fantastic!!
We swam
We played "Silly Simon Says"
ate snacks
played in the sand
enjoyed the nice weather
blew out a candle (OK, so Jane totally freaked out about the candle. She knows fire is hot and had no desire to get too close...the light breeze blew it out)
and enjoyed some cupcakes and frosting (an improvement over last year's fear of frosting and a nearly untouched birthday cake)
We decided to open presents at home to avoid anymore untoward displays of emotion (did I mention Jane was up at 5:30???) and the rest of the day was spent playing with all her loot:
Happy Birthday Jane! I sure wish babies didn't grow up so fast!
What a fun day and way to celebrate Jane's birthday.
Oh and my daughters have those Wiggles DVD's, they LOVE them.
How cool to live so close to a beach ... makes for a perfect birthday party place!! She is a doll and we hope she had a great birthday!
What a great cake. Who made it? I love the one of little Emiline smiling. what acutie!
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