I woke up well-rested (I fell asleep at 9:30 the night before). Jane and I were doing dishes in the kitchen before 6:45. Jane was pulling all the lids out of the cupboard and I was pulling all the dishes out of the dishwasher.

I made green smoothies and egg mcmuffins for breakfast--whole grain English muffins with mesquite turkey, partially smooshed and refried black beans, pepperjack cheese and an egg. It was a hit with the whole family.
Then we got moving. Our to do list has been piling up all semester and now that Eric is done (or has a week off before petitioning), we've been tackling it full speed ahead. We rearranged Jane's room (I'm finally pleased with the furniture layout), put away a billion things, hung pictures, posted stuff to Craig's list, followed up on a googleplex of paperwork, bills, etc, etc.
When Jane woke up, we packed a lunch and went to the beach that's nearby. It was like we were a real family!

It has been so nice to just be together. It's wonderful to work together on projects around the house and so soothing to play together. Jane enjoyed the water and the sand. Not so much the sun. I wish we'd taken a video, but whenever she'd pull her hat off or her eyes where unshaded, she'd start twitching and convulsing and we'd say "Jane's melting! Jane's melting!" It was hilarious, that vampire child of mine. Although I seem to have developed an allergy to the sun or something. I've got quite the itchy redness on my arms and legs...

Lunch was also a hit. Jane tried PB&J for the first time and really liked it, ate almost a whole half of a sandwich! And she even got her favorite dessert--gnawing on an apple core! She'll seriously gnaw on one for half hour. Probably longer if I let her.

So yea. Great Day. Beautiful weather, beautiful family, just doing projects, having fun, and chill-laxin'.
1 comment:
I read this post a while ago, but I keep coming back checking for updates and I just couldn't resist telling you how cute that first picture of Jane is! She's a doll!
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