Isn't she sweet? I can't believe how much her looks are changing--it's that personality of hers that's just bursting out. Jane turned nine months old yesterday, and although the weather didn't cooperate for the planned photo shoot, we did get the above beauty. A few things you ought to notice:
1. All six teeth? Yep, they are really poking through.
2. The nose crinkled up? That's from Mom.
3. Two dimples. That's from Dad.
4. See the blue bow on the top? Jane's foofy-fro is finally long enough to gather together and put a bow in it. Barely. Her hair doesn't lay flat, even with product in it, at least not for long. So if you can't beat 'em, join 'em.
5. Spring blossoms and green leaves as the backdrop! YAY for Spring.
And the Nine Month Stats for Jane Skylar Ludlow are....
.....drum roll, please.....
Weight: 22 lbs 5 oz (95th Percentile)
Height: 28 1/4 in (75th Percentile--although Mommy thinks she wasn't measured accurately)
Head: (are you ready for this?) 47.25 cms (that's off the charts, people. Well, off the curve. SIGNIFICANTLY off the curve. They had it measured three times to make sure. Thank you Grandpa Lloyd)
Newborn Jane, 1 week oldAt Nine Months Jane is sleeping a good 12 hours at night and regularly gets in one good nap a day (usually 1 1/2 hours in the morning, 9:30-ish). Afternoon naps are rare and frequently a battle. Without an afternoon nap, she's asleep before 6:00. And we are pretty strict about that. We kept her up till after 8:00 Monday and have been paying for it all week.
7 months old
She eats solids three times a day and has 3-4 bottles. Doctor told us that we can pretty much give her anything but honey (or so the new research shows), so gloves have come off and Jane has had all kinds of things lately including eggs and even peanut butter puffs. She loves green smoothies (I mix rice cereal with hers) and will always eat squash and sweet potatoes. She loves, loves, loves, finger foods and feeds herself so well. She's also really good at putting her food on the floor and stashing it next to her bum in the high chair. She eats cereal, puffs, noodles, all kinds of fruit, bread, bagels, she even loves to gnaw on my apple core.
Flirtatious 9 month old Jane (check out that hair!)
--yes, we had to take her name down, she was getting too strong and pulling on it too hard and too often.
Now for the list of Jane's Skilz:
1. She can turn in circles while sitting: on the carpet, on the tile, in the tub.
2. She can turn in circles laying on her tummy: ditto for carpet and tile, not so much the tub.
3. She has started singing: mimicking Mommy or Daddy, singing along with a CD or her musical toys, or just singing to herself in the morning when she wakes up, or in the bath, or while eating. Pretty much anywhere. Daddy loves this, as evidenced by his wide grin. (not pictured)
4. She can hold our hands and use her legs to stand herself up (yes, without any pulling on our part)(or hers).
5. She has also started taking steps while holding Mommy's hands, especially when she wants something.
6. She mimics burping. Blame this on Aunt Amber, she's the one who taught Mommy her unabashed talent.
7. She has the consonants M, N, B, D, T, Th, L, G, mastered. P and W are on their way. She doesn't string syllables together much, but she plays with pitch a lot.
8. She knows that "yay" and clapping go together, usually with something fun. And when she wants to play a silly game with us, she will often clap.
9. She loves to read and helps turn the pages. She loves the books with flaps she can lift (all by herself!) She likes to make squeaking sounds on the pages by pushing and dragging her finger. The regulars in her storytime line up are:
One Sleepy Baby
I Am Happy
Where is Baby's Belly Button?
Tumble Bumble
Buzz Said the Bee
Where's Spot
I Can Fly
10. She can give Mommy and Daddy a high five! (sometimes necessarily prompted with a "clap Daddy's hand" or something along those lines; but she sure looks cool doing it!)
That's probably enough gushing for now. We sure love our little girl. She just keeps getting funner and funner. Of course, she's not crawling yet, so I'm still in the honeymoon, right?