this is me saying "uhhhh, you are new. i haven't seen you before, who/what are you exactly? maybe I can get a better look if I crane my head all the way back like this." i make this face a lot, especially in Ft. Worth. there were lots of new things in Ft. Worth.

this is aunt Kathleen. she's nice and smells good and doesn't make sudden movements. i like her soft cheeks.

this is me and grandma playing baby-zilla stomps the plastic fruit village. i think my hair looks great in the bright sun, don't you? although, those capris do make my legs look short. my grandma seems to like them, though.

that's my cousin Ellora. she's three months old. she has nice ears.

Ellora likes my armpits.

this is my great grandma. Jane is one of her names, too. what are the odds!?!

mommy had to take another bath picture of me because these were daddy's old bath toys. old or not, bath toys are made for one thing--eating.

speaking of eating, grandma is real good at feeding me. and for some crazy reason, i like eating better when there's lots of sunshine.

two words: coolest toy ever (duh, i'm not even eight months old yet, i can't count)

animal, vegetable, or mineral? i can't decide. i also can't decide if i like touching it or not. i definitely don't like it when it touches me.

yay for Texas!
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