Inspired by the cool wife of a high school friend, I decided to try and do a photo shoot yesterday at home on the couch, since we don't have church until 1:00 pm (and we were still late). They didn't turn out near as cool as my friend's, but we got a couple of cute ones.
I bought this dress on a super sale thinking it would fit her sometime in April (it is a 9M...) Luckily, Eric pointed to it on the hanger and said, "I bet that one would fit." I have to admit, my heart kind of drooped as I realized he was right. Although, at least she didn't outgrow it never having worn it. She is growing way too fast! It's time to go through her drawers again and pull out everything that doesn't fit.
I messed with the color settings (temperature, exposure, saturation, contrast, etc) a bit with these three. Someone with a better eye than me tell me if they look OK and what I need to do (Jamie, Holli, Melisa, etc)
Cute pictures! It seems like Jane was having lots of fun during the shoot. She is adorable!! LOVE the smile!!
I absolutely LOVE that second one!! She has the cutest smile! And it really IS sooooo sad to be continually packing up their things!
Super cute! The only thing I would say is to mess more with your depth of field. Fading the background more gives that artsy look. Also go to the link and check out his blog.Ben has all sorts of good advice for photographing kids.
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