This is like Burley Broadway, people. This is no small thing, in a small town. Growing up, every year the Christmas Season in all it's glittering and rushing-around glory began with the Festival of Trees, always the first weekend in December. And every year, at least every year that I lived there, I performed on that stage (which hasn't changed). This year was no different. That I would be performing this year came up as a side note to a conversation about sandwiches and after school jobs I was having with my youngest sister as we were driving through town. So, two days later, me, my mom, and youngest sister mounted the stage and sang six or so songs with relative success (again with those horrible puns).
After the show we took Jane to see the resident Santa Claus and get her one of those yummy mini candy canes. Some babies smile for pictures. Mine pops her eyes wide open.
Soaking in the Fount of Knowledge that is my Mother:
Go Grandma! So, sometimes I feel about Mom the way Eric feels about me.
Let me explain: Mommies find themselves saying "duh" to Daddies a lot-- not aloud, mind you (at least not often). For example, last night Eric got Jane ready for bed and put her in a pair of jammies that weren't footsie jammies. He forgot the socks...duh. Or he gave her a bath the other day and asked me how warm the water should be...duh. (I secretly love these duh moments. They give me a strange sense of validation, like, I have this specialized knowledge that Eric doesn't. I like this not so I can say "nah, na na nah, nah" but because it proves to me that there is more than meniality to the tasks that make up my day).
My mom duh-ed me a lot this time around, only she's totally secure in her Mommyness thus she has no idea what I'm talking about. So Jane hasn't really liked her baths much. I started bathing with her forever ago so she'd tolerate it better. She started to like them a little then. Well, while I was visiting, my mother helped me bathe Jane one night (don't worry, I wasn't in the tub with her this time--we're not THAT close of a family) and pointed out that I was filling the tub too full thus Jane's discomfort...duh. I let out a couple inches of water and Jane was a different kid. Kicking like crazy and having a ball. And why do I tell this story? Because of this way cute picture of Jane in the tub (notice the strategically placed bubbles):
Seeing Old Friends:
Yep, I got to see my old high school peeps. Amber and I always carve out time to see each other when I'm in town, even if it means chatting while I'm packing for the airport and getting Jane ready for the day (more fun bath pictures--she'll make a great mommy some day, despite all her protesting).
But Laurie and I haven't seen each other since her little boy (the one in this picture) was four days old. Yikes, I know. *sigh* It was great to see each other, not enough time to catch up (that's what facebook and blogs are for ;-) but at least enough time to touch base.
So, my friends. Thanks for catching up with me via the blogosphere. I've really enjoyed writing tonight and I love reading the Tales of all my Friends. Keep it up! Huzzah for blogs!
I am in total agreement with you about blogs. It is a great way to keep up with people. I have wondered what you have been up to since you left to BYU. Kourtney was asking me the other day if I had heard anything from you. I am glad Debbie email me so I could find your blog through hers. Hope you feel the same. :D
I love the bubble bath picture. So cute!
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