Law School: classes are easier than I thought they'd be; not easy, but easier. The reading load, however, is not just harder. It's also thicker--more intricate than I thought it would be. I knew it would be hard, but this is something else.

And I'm tired. Dead tired. But don't let the above pictures fool you--I also really enjoy law school.

So, yes, law school is murder: it kicks my butt pretty much every day (the weekend is not an escape, merely a change in venue). But coming home to my two ladies is what I live for. The law is actually fun; but, even though it is not always apparent, what little time I get with my wife and daughter is what keeps me going. Cheesy, but true.
1 comment:
Hey Erik and Marcee
It's great to be connected with your blog. And Jane--what a great name. If we have another daughter, that is the name we have picked out for her too. Great minds must think alike!
Congratulations a million times over. When Sadie was first born, I remember thinking that every day felt like Christmas morning. Children are the best presents in the world. The older they get, they just keep on giving.
I love you Marcee--and Erik I can't wait to meet you someday!
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