My goal was to be all caught from our trip to Idaho by now so I could spend a leisure time sweetly contemplating my darling and her development right now. I really don't think I have unrealistic expectations of myself at the moment, yes I do have a large "wanna do" list that I'm itching to get to but that's because I have felt so much better the last few weeks. And my back? It's been phenomenally better (if you ignore the hiccup that was yesterday). But then there is that sweet, unpredictable, brain-has-yet-to-develop-regular-sleep-patterns babe of mine. As a friend recently reminded me,"you know you have a newborn, right? Seriously, you are crazy."
So shall we talk about sleep? Emiline has slept twice through the night. One of those was from 10:30 to 6:00 am!!! I, of course, woke up every 2-3 hours to check on her and wish she would nurse... So far this week, however, she's slept well until 2 or 3 and then stayed mostly awake until 6:00 am. Argh! She is still sleeping in our bed, which up until now, has been really fun. She's a little cuddle bug and doesn't keep me up (again, ignore this week). However, she hasn't yet learned to sleep by herself well. So we've started a bit of sleep training this week that has been working really well for naps, knock on wood. As I type, she is screaming in her bassinet and it's killing me (but so is the sleep deprivation). Yes, it's easier with #2, but still hard. So we've got some sleep stuff to figure out.
As for stats:
Height- 22 3/4 in (70th %)
Weight- 10 lbs 15.5 oz (50-55th %)
Head- 38.9 cm (50-55th %)
She's rolled over a few times already, from belly to back. She's crazy strong, her legs especially. She's always kicking them around and socks are a necessity or her little footsies get cold from all the action. She's starting to like toys, mostly just her play mat so far. Often she hates being left alone, or even if there is no one in eyesight or earhearing (?, yep, made up that word.)
She likes to be out and about and does really well on errands, at the gym, at her cousins. She's such a sweet little smiler and just tickles me with how wide her grins get.
Big sister is now 2 months old in her sisterhood, too. I'm so proud of her! She's really seemed to calm down in the last week or so. She's so helpful. She LOVES to help change baby diapers and "play" with her on her playmate (she will lay down next to her and kick so the motion sensor goes off and plays music). After family prayer, she always remembers to give baby sister a kiss and then says "Mank (thank) you, baby sister." Anytime Emiline makes any kind of coo, no matter where Jane is she will laugh and mimic it. She seems to have come to grips with me taking care of to girls instead of one. And she's really seeming to be OK with becoming a big girl. She's wearing panties at the moment (more on that in another post, at some point, hopefully).
So, minus the sleep deprivation and the large "wanna do" list that is haunting me (see, up until I married Eric, I measured my worth by my productivity. I didn't question the healthiness of that perspective until Eric. I've since tried to change that...still working on it... not doing things still equals a bit of worthlessness), we are doing pretty darn good. I'm grateful to have my two beautiful girls and my wonderful husband with me everyday, not to mention supportive extended family near and far and far, far away.