Lately Jane has been talking so much I can't keep up with her versions of words. I think this is part of the reason the last week or so has been so hard. (The other part would have to do with the allergic reaction to amoxicillian, two-year molars, a crazier-than-usual-crazy-busy daddy, and a mommy that REALLY needs a break--in fact I almost posted a sob story about how tired I am and how ornery I've been with my kid lately but I decided against it. I don't particularly want to flaunt my less-patient mommy moments. Let's just acknowledge they exist and move on). It seems that the moments of joy with my daughter this week have been few and far in between. Today, however, just before putting her down for her nap, we read an old favorite "Peek-A-Boo" which is just a bunch of baby faces doing different expressions. I had seen her "read" it before but today she wasn't just making total nonsense sounds but her versions of most of the words. She is really into the pouting baby (go figure!) So watch us read it, notice that on the ones she knows, she reads first, and then ooh and ahh about how funny her versions of the words are--my favorite is her version of "or just being you."
Baby Deux
I think she might be a handful. She's currently a uterus full. I had my 27 week/glucose screening (which I passed btw) appointment yesterday and I was measuring 30 weeks, which explains the "growth spurt" I've/baby has had recently (i.e. jump in weight gain). I'm pretty sure I mentioned that I first felt her at 12 weeks. And she's pretty darn active still. For a while we even looked up baby names that meant "bird" or "hummingbird" because that's what she felt like inside for so long. Now that she's getting bigger....well, I'll have to rethink the comparison. We didn't get to hear much of her heartbeat yesterday, either, although we heard plenty of her moving around--sounding like scratching on the doppler. It's terribly hard to describe the sound and the delightful humor of it but it made me and the midwife laugh, like my uterus is her own personal jungle gym.
Today while I was icing my back, the darling started at it again and I rubbed my belly where she was going at it and she "rubbed" back and this went on for a while. It was like in utero cuddling or something. Again, hard to describe but so sweet and precious. Feeling the baby is definitely my favorite part of being pregnant, it's such an amazing thing, a sweet secret, a real delight. Today I was thinking about it as a kind of physical or movement-based communication and wondering if this baby will need lots of well as lots of room to flail and eventually run around ;-)
That's all, just wanted to record that sweet moment before my other sweetie wakes up.
Today while I was icing my back, the darling started at it again and I rubbed my belly where she was going at it and she "rubbed" back and this went on for a while. It was like in utero cuddling or something. Again, hard to describe but so sweet and precious. Feeling the baby is definitely my favorite part of being pregnant, it's such an amazing thing, a sweet secret, a real delight. Today I was thinking about it as a kind of physical or movement-based communication and wondering if this baby will need lots of well as lots of room to flail and eventually run around ;-)
That's all, just wanted to record that sweet moment before my other sweetie wakes up.
MRP (Family Newsletter) Cross-Post
If you are one of the few family members that read my blog, you can skip over this post. It was taken from our family newsletter (the MRP) on Feb 10. I thought it was funny and wanted to include it here:
The most recent funny thing happened yesterday. You all most likely know how cheesy my husband's sense of humor is which he utilizes when interacting with Jane. One common "game" they play is when getting dressed. Eric delays pulling her hands through her sleeve and says "ahhh! ahhh! where's your hand???" and then pulls it out with relief. Eric was home sick from church yesterday and when he's sick, he's cold so he had on his big sweatshirt and had his hands pulled into his sleeves frequently throughout the day. When Jane would see him, she'd say "ahh! ahh!" and then pull his hands out. Sure cracked us up.
It's also fun to see what words and phrases she picks up and how she interprets them. "Hello" is the cell phone because when do we ever say hello to someone otherwise? It's usually just "hi." When Jane is upset, I have often soothed her with the phrase of understanding "I know." Now when Jane is upset or has to do something she doesn't particularly want to do, she says "I know."
Jane is learning her colors. But in that characteristic way that kids extend the meaning of words, almost all colors almost always start out as "lellow." Just like all kids are Lizzy, but Lizzy is also Lizzy. Anyway, in the past, coloring has been a great quiet activity to do during church. Until yesterday. Jane is so excited about saying the names of colors that with every new crayon she'd pull out, she'd also shout "LELLOW!!" Then I would whisper "use your soft voice, your nice voice" which would result in a less exuberant but still loud "Lellow!" I would try one more time to get her to modulate her voice and usually the third time she'd say it soft. But then, about half the time, she'd get excited about identifying the actual color and shout "Bow" (brown) or "gree" (green) or "reh) (red) or my favorite "puh-pul" (purple, with extra emphasis on the "p" sounds). Yes, reverence fell victim to colors and my toddler's need to identify everything.
Other cute Jane versions of words are: "dahty" is water, Joey is "dooah." "iwansama" is I want some more which you will hear when she plays "coook!" or cooking with her play dishes. From many blanket rides with Daddy (although Jena started it) "wee" means blanket or ride or fun. She still says many of her s words through her nose, the cutest being "snow" but also the name of own of her friends "sammy." In general we are just basking in the joy of watching her grow and learn and we laugh a lot these days (especially now that she's feeling better!! THANK YOU antibiotics!)
The most recent funny thing happened yesterday. You all most likely know how cheesy my husband's sense of humor is which he utilizes when interacting with Jane. One common "game" they play is when getting dressed. Eric delays pulling her hands through her sleeve and says "ahhh! ahhh! where's your hand???" and then pulls it out with relief. Eric was home sick from church yesterday and when he's sick, he's cold so he had on his big sweatshirt and had his hands pulled into his sleeves frequently throughout the day. When Jane would see him, she'd say "ahh! ahh!" and then pull his hands out. Sure cracked us up.
It's also fun to see what words and phrases she picks up and how she interprets them. "Hello" is the cell phone because when do we ever say hello to someone otherwise? It's usually just "hi." When Jane is upset, I have often soothed her with the phrase of understanding "I know." Now when Jane is upset or has to do something she doesn't particularly want to do, she says "I know."
Jane is learning her colors. But in that characteristic way that kids extend the meaning of words, almost all colors almost always start out as "lellow." Just like all kids are Lizzy, but Lizzy is also Lizzy. Anyway, in the past, coloring has been a great quiet activity to do during church. Until yesterday. Jane is so excited about saying the names of colors that with every new crayon she'd pull out, she'd also shout "LELLOW!!" Then I would whisper "use your soft voice, your nice voice" which would result in a less exuberant but still loud "Lellow!" I would try one more time to get her to modulate her voice and usually the third time she'd say it soft. But then, about half the time, she'd get excited about identifying the actual color and shout "Bow" (brown) or "gree" (green) or "reh) (red) or my favorite "puh-pul" (purple, with extra emphasis on the "p" sounds). Yes, reverence fell victim to colors and my toddler's need to identify everything.
Other cute Jane versions of words are: "dahty" is water, Joey is "dooah." "iwansama" is I want some more which you will hear when she plays "coook!" or cooking with her play dishes. From many blanket rides with Daddy (although Jena started it) "wee" means blanket or ride or fun. She still says many of her s words through her nose, the cutest being "snow" but also the name of own of her friends "sammy." In general we are just basking in the joy of watching her grow and learn and we laugh a lot these days (especially now that she's feeling better!! THANK YOU antibiotics!)
Happy Kid
It seems like everyone these days has all these adorable pictures of their happy children. Well, I say Hooray for the less happy ones, too. Actually, this video is from that period of ear infections and eye teeth almost a month ago when Jane was at her saddest. I show it here because it demonstrates one of life's great Catch 22s. Jane LOVES to watch videos of herself. She also gets bored of the videos we have and will sometimes get frustrated when there is nothing new to watch (she's a sweet little narcissist, that child of mine). The problem is, the second I pull out the camera, she wants to watch a video of herself but they are old and boring, making it difficult to take an interesting video of her. You'd be surprised by the number of crying videos we have where Jane is reaching for the camera.
I guess another term for this would be "kicking against the pricks." Being a parent is really an insight into our Heavenly Father, right? How many times do I tell the Lord I want something that I'm unwilling to wait the necessary time for? or for something that I'm not putting the time in to prepare for in the first place? or for something that is really in my control more than I realize? And let's not even talk about PATIENCE!
It's like we are God's toddlers on this earth. And since we are to someday become like him, maybe we shouldn't call ourselves human or mortal or even children of God but the name Goddler? (no, I don't think that's sacrilegious. I KNOW God has a GREAT sense of humor). Comment if you agree!! (Yes, I'm shamelessly looking for evidence that people DO read my blog).
P.S. Did you notice the "puh, puh" at the end of the video? That's Jane's way of saying "please." Jane has a few signs that she hasn't given up, like sorry and please. We've been trying to get her to "use her words" and say please. We thought it would help to break down the word into sounds: say "puh, puh" say "lee, lee," etc. Jane got the first lesson only. Now when ask her to say please she says: "puh, puh"
Also, the snot on her face is pretty gross, I know. But it was really unavoidable that day. Even I had it caked on me just from being near her.
I guess another term for this would be "kicking against the pricks." Being a parent is really an insight into our Heavenly Father, right? How many times do I tell the Lord I want something that I'm unwilling to wait the necessary time for? or for something that I'm not putting the time in to prepare for in the first place? or for something that is really in my control more than I realize? And let's not even talk about PATIENCE!
It's like we are God's toddlers on this earth. And since we are to someday become like him, maybe we shouldn't call ourselves human or mortal or even children of God but the name Goddler? (no, I don't think that's sacrilegious. I KNOW God has a GREAT sense of humor). Comment if you agree!! (Yes, I'm shamelessly looking for evidence that people DO read my blog).
P.S. Did you notice the "puh, puh" at the end of the video? That's Jane's way of saying "please." Jane has a few signs that she hasn't given up, like sorry and please. We've been trying to get her to "use her words" and say please. We thought it would help to break down the word into sounds: say "puh, puh" say "lee, lee," etc. Jane got the first lesson only. Now when ask her to say please she says: "puh, puh"
Also, the snot on her face is pretty gross, I know. But it was really unavoidable that day. Even I had it caked on me just from being near her.
A Craft
Yep, I'm posting about a craft I did and took a (lousy) picture of. See, most of what I do in blogland, aside from blogging myself and reading those of friends and family, is read craft and home design blogs. It's a sickness. And probably a coping mechanism with all the limitations of my back problems and all. So when I actually make something myself (instead of just planning and ideating) AND I snap a picture? Well, that's cause for a celebration. Or at least a blog post.
I made this out of a hanger, some ribbon I had, hot glue, a clearanced christmas garland purchased at least a year ago at Michael's and some of those Target snowflake ornaments, also purchased year(s)? ago after the season. It reflects my attempts to embrace winter here in Minnesota, and because I'm into wreaths on apartment doors, and because Jane loves snow stars (snowflakes).
Please ignore its crooked hanging job.
I made this out of a hanger, some ribbon I had, hot glue, a clearanced christmas garland purchased at least a year ago at Michael's and some of those Target snowflake ornaments, also purchased year(s)? ago after the season. It reflects my attempts to embrace winter here in Minnesota, and because I'm into wreaths on apartment doors, and because Jane loves snow stars (snowflakes).
My Hero
yes, he does look a bit grizzled in this picture...
but he saved my laptop!!
All it cost was a 25 dollar part ordered off of eBay and somewhere upwards of 5 hours labor. That's a $600 savings over what Apple would have charged us to get my monitor going again.

But more than that, I am just so impressed with my husband. I haven't always loved how tenaciously meticulous he is, but it pays off when repairing Macs.

I have always loved watching his brain work and figure things out and his natural tendency to fix and improve everything around him (whether that is a squeaky door, a dirty floor, etc).
So, Hero. Thanks for giving me my Mac back. And my online life. Which, has been a rather large part of my life (something I understand a bit differently now from being cut off for the last few weeks of no computer and something I'm rethinking a bit).
But more than that, I am just so impressed with my husband. I haven't always loved how tenaciously meticulous he is, but it pays off when repairing Macs.
I have always loved watching his brain work and figure things out and his natural tendency to fix and improve everything around him (whether that is a squeaky door, a dirty floor, etc).
So, Hero. Thanks for giving me my Mac back. And my online life. Which, has been a rather large part of my life (something I understand a bit differently now from being cut off for the last few weeks of no computer and something I'm rethinking a bit).
I love this talking thing. It's incredible to watch. And it's hard to keep up. I try to at least keep Eric caught up but pretty much everyday Eric is surprised by a new word Jane knows that he didn't know she knew....
I sent this out in our family weekly email and I thought I'd post it here.
The most recent funny thing happened yesterday (Sunday). You all most likely know how cheesy my husband's sense of humor is which he utilizes when interacting with Jane. One common "game" they play is when getting dressed. Eric delays pulling her hands through her sleeve and says "ahhh! ahhh! where's your hand???" and then pulls it out with relief. Eric was home sick from church yesterday and when he's sick, he's cold so he had on his big sweatshirt and had his hands pulled into his sleeves frequently throughout the day. When Jane would see him, she'd say "ahh! ahh!" and then pull his hands out. Sure cracked us up.
It's also fun to see what words and phrases she picks up and how she interprets them. "Hello" is the cell phone because when do we ever say hello to someone otherwise? It's usually just "hi." When Jane is upset, I have often soothed her with the phrase of understanding "I know." Now when Jane is upset or has to do something she doesn't particularly want to do, she says "I know."
Jane is learning her colors. But in that characteristic way that kids extend the meaning of words, almost all colors almost always start out as "lellow." Just like all kids are Lizzy, but Lizzy is also Lizzy. Anyway, in the past, coloring has been a great quiet activity to do during church. Until yesterday. Jane is so excited about saying the names of colors that with every new crayon she'd pull out, she'd also shout "LELLOW!!" Then I would whisper "use your soft voice, your nice voice" which would result in a less exuberant but still loud "Lellow!" I would try one more time to get her to modulate her voice and usually the third time she'd say it soft. But then, about half the time, she'd get excited about identifying the actual color and shout "Bow" (brown) or "gree" (green) or "reh) (red) or my favorite "puh-pul" (purple, with extra emphasis on the "p" sounds). Yes, reverence fell victim to colors and my toddler's need to identify everything.
Speaking of the letter P, Jane has a few signs that she hasn't given up, like sorry and please. We've been trying to get her to "use her words" and say please. We thought it would help to break down the word into sounds: say "puh, puh" say "lee, lee," etc. Jane got the first lesson only. Now when ask her to say please she says: "puh, puh"
Other cute Jane versions of words are: "dahty" is water, Joey is "dooah." "iwansama" is I want some more which you will hear when she plays "coook!" or cooking with her play dishes. From many blanket rides with Daddy (although Jena started it) "wee" means blanket or ride or fun. She still says many of her s words through her nose, the cutest being "snow" but also the name of own of her friends "sammy" and "smoothy."
In general we are just basking in the joy of watching her grow and learn and we laugh a lot these days (especially now that she's feeling better!! THANK YOU antibiotics!)
I sent this out in our family weekly email and I thought I'd post it here.
The most recent funny thing happened yesterday (Sunday). You all most likely know how cheesy my husband's sense of humor is which he utilizes when interacting with Jane. One common "game" they play is when getting dressed. Eric delays pulling her hands through her sleeve and says "ahhh! ahhh! where's your hand???" and then pulls it out with relief. Eric was home sick from church yesterday and when he's sick, he's cold so he had on his big sweatshirt and had his hands pulled into his sleeves frequently throughout the day. When Jane would see him, she'd say "ahh! ahh!" and then pull his hands out. Sure cracked us up.
It's also fun to see what words and phrases she picks up and how she interprets them. "Hello" is the cell phone because when do we ever say hello to someone otherwise? It's usually just "hi." When Jane is upset, I have often soothed her with the phrase of understanding "I know." Now when Jane is upset or has to do something she doesn't particularly want to do, she says "I know."
Jane is learning her colors. But in that characteristic way that kids extend the meaning of words, almost all colors almost always start out as "lellow." Just like all kids are Lizzy, but Lizzy is also Lizzy. Anyway, in the past, coloring has been a great quiet activity to do during church. Until yesterday. Jane is so excited about saying the names of colors that with every new crayon she'd pull out, she'd also shout "LELLOW!!" Then I would whisper "use your soft voice, your nice voice" which would result in a less exuberant but still loud "Lellow!" I would try one more time to get her to modulate her voice and usually the third time she'd say it soft. But then, about half the time, she'd get excited about identifying the actual color and shout "Bow" (brown) or "gree" (green) or "reh) (red) or my favorite "puh-pul" (purple, with extra emphasis on the "p" sounds). Yes, reverence fell victim to colors and my toddler's need to identify everything.
Speaking of the letter P, Jane has a few signs that she hasn't given up, like sorry and please. We've been trying to get her to "use her words" and say please. We thought it would help to break down the word into sounds: say "puh, puh" say "lee, lee," etc. Jane got the first lesson only. Now when ask her to say please she says: "puh, puh"
Other cute Jane versions of words are: "dahty" is water, Joey is "dooah." "iwansama" is I want some more which you will hear when she plays "coook!" or cooking with her play dishes. From many blanket rides with Daddy (although Jena started it) "wee" means blanket or ride or fun. She still says many of her s words through her nose, the cutest being "snow" but also the name of own of her friends "sammy" and "smoothy."
In general we are just basking in the joy of watching her grow and learn and we laugh a lot these days (especially now that she's feeling better!! THANK YOU antibiotics!)
More Sicky
After calling the nurse a few times and distrusting my gut over the weekend, Jane convinced me to go in to the doctors when she cried for 45 minutes non stop Monday morning. Totally inconsolable and miserable. She had at least one ear infection and possibly pneumonia so we got us some good ol' antibiotics and she's turning around quickly! Man is it nice to have my baby back!
On Wednesday, my already plugged head got more plugged and I could barely hear out of my right ear. Then the pain started and I was totally inconsolable and miserable. I got a few hours of sleep and then went to my doctor. I also have/had an ear infection. Double thanks for antibiotics! Doc also said I probably had a sinus infection already...
Eric took a turn for the worse today, we are hoping there isn't a third reason to be grateful for antibiotics, he just doesn't have time to get sick and I'm too tired to pick up any slack, we're already pretty slack around here!!
On Wednesday, my already plugged head got more plugged and I could barely hear out of my right ear. Then the pain started and I was totally inconsolable and miserable. I got a few hours of sleep and then went to my doctor. I also have/had an ear infection. Double thanks for antibiotics! Doc also said I probably had a sinus infection already...
Eric took a turn for the worse today, we are hoping there isn't a third reason to be grateful for antibiotics, he just doesn't have time to get sick and I'm too tired to pick up any slack, we're already pretty slack around here!!
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