I really do want to know
Seriously, I really want to know. What are your kiddo's favorite toys. We have a really limited budget and can only buy a few (like, two) for her birthday and that's probably it til Christmas, so I'd like to make them count. PLEASE, comment on my blog! (I'm signing right now, not near as cute as when Jane does it, but use your imagination and reward my magic belly ;-)
Favorite Toys?
After the poker chip discovery, and with her birthday coming up, and since she seems to be getting tired of her current toys, I thought I'd ask--What are your kiddo's favorite toys?
Besides poker chips, Jane really loves her sorter--little spheres, cubes, pyramids, her ring stacker, a little stuffed soccer ball her Aunts brought home from Ireland, and her toothbrush.
Besides poker chips, Jane really loves her sorter--little spheres, cubes, pyramids, her ring stacker, a little stuffed soccer ball her Aunts brought home from Ireland, and her toothbrush.
Other Cuteness

Anyway, on to the cuteness:
Jane is really starting to talk. The other day I said "I love you" and she mimicked it back. It came out "I ub ooo" but the intonation was dead on. Both Eric and I looked at each other and said, "did you hear that?" She hasn't done it since, but it was especially cute and sweet for me, since I haven't been able to love her much lately.
She has learned to sign please and it's unbelievably cute. I told Eric the other day that Jane is going to think she has a magic tummy, all she has to do is rub it and she gets what she wants! She's even started to combine "more" and "please" when eating. Very cute.
She blows kisses. Or rather puts her hand up to her mouth and makes a kissing sound.
Yesterday Jane discovered a bag of poker chips, which have turned out to be a delightful toy. I was sitting next to her and she was going through them and then I looked down and she had made a pile of all the red chips. Yes, it could have been a coincidence, but there were 11 red ones (and I noticed today that there are a whole lot more blue and white ones in the bag). It didn't last long, but it was pretty cool. But it's good for Eric to think she's smart. ;-)
Quiet Time
We are trying something new these days, and I haven't completely worked out the details but the idea is this:
1. Jane seems to be losing her afternoon nap (not that she really took it regularly in the first place) but there are days that she seems to need it and days that she doesn't.
2. Jane is getting really loud in Sacrament meeting. And since both Eric and I are in Primary, we'd really like to both have "adult church" every week, too.
So here's our two-fold solution. Or our attempt. We've decided to teach Jane the concept of "quiet" and rest via Quiet Time, instead of an afternoon nap, that way, when she loses her morning nap and needs an afternoon nap as a toddler, we'll already have that built into the routine. This way, if she is more tired one afternoon, she can take a nap.
Like I said, we're still tweaking it, but the basic idea is this:
1. lights off, night light on (usually her room is as dark as we can get it for naps_.
2. soft music playing
3. a few board books in her crib
4. encouraging her to lie down while she looks at her books, I want her to get in the habit of resting her body, even if she doesn't fall asleep.
5. saying "shhh, it's quiet time" and speaking in whispers.
6. gradually facing mom or dad out of Quiet Time. We've gone in with her the last few times b/c its a new thing and she's usually so traumatized by afternoon naps, anyway. Of the three times we've given it a whirl, she's fallen asleep once, which is better than her usual afternoon napping average (granted, very small sample size ;-)
My sister does quiet time with her kids, she's got 4, the oldest is 8, and she said it has frequently saved her. And especially in this busy world, I want my kids to be able to slow down.
So that's that, we'll see how it actually pans out ;-)
1. Jane seems to be losing her afternoon nap (not that she really took it regularly in the first place) but there are days that she seems to need it and days that she doesn't.
2. Jane is getting really loud in Sacrament meeting. And since both Eric and I are in Primary, we'd really like to both have "adult church" every week, too.
So here's our two-fold solution. Or our attempt. We've decided to teach Jane the concept of "quiet" and rest via Quiet Time, instead of an afternoon nap, that way, when she loses her morning nap and needs an afternoon nap as a toddler, we'll already have that built into the routine. This way, if she is more tired one afternoon, she can take a nap.
Like I said, we're still tweaking it, but the basic idea is this:
1. lights off, night light on (usually her room is as dark as we can get it for naps_.
2. soft music playing
3. a few board books in her crib
4. encouraging her to lie down while she looks at her books, I want her to get in the habit of resting her body, even if she doesn't fall asleep.
5. saying "shhh, it's quiet time" and speaking in whispers.
6. gradually facing mom or dad out of Quiet Time. We've gone in with her the last few times b/c its a new thing and she's usually so traumatized by afternoon naps, anyway. Of the three times we've given it a whirl, she's fallen asleep once, which is better than her usual afternoon napping average (granted, very small sample size ;-)
My sister does quiet time with her kids, she's got 4, the oldest is 8, and she said it has frequently saved her. And especially in this busy world, I want my kids to be able to slow down.
So that's that, we'll see how it actually pans out ;-)
11 Months and Some Change
So, Jane turned 11 months the day I had my surgery. Typing has been difficult, and internet is spotty (we are house sitting), so I'll keep this short, and fascinating, of course.
all done
all gone
there she is!
alex (Eric's brother is staying with us, and Jane will yell his name, pretty cute!)
dog (new today, there is a dog where we are house sitting, she quite likes her)
don't (we think, she told her cousins today "don't" when they took her toys)
With all this linguistic ability, you'd think she'd be able to get "please" down...although she has signed it twice.
My surgery has been tough on the little tike, and the big tike, and me too. I can't hug anyone, can't hold Jane, and for the first five days had to keep Jane at least two feet away. Very SAD! It's taught me how important loving and kissing and human touch is--Jane has been pretty grumpy, easily upset, and very whiney since the surgery. (Her mother probably has been, too!)
She's finally realized the advantage of crawling and uses it now to chase us out of the room. She's "accidently" learned to crawl for real, instead of her gimpy army crawl (she only pulls one leg forward and drags the other). When she moves from sitting to her stomach, she gets on her hands and knees, she'll take two "steps" before she realizes it and then gets on her stomach and gimps the rest of the way. Hilarious.
Picky, picky eater!! Hopefully it's a phase.
She knows where her food goes now, at least most of the time. If we say "in your mouth or on the tray" she'll either eat it or put it down (and then point at the tray) at least 85% of the time. We've also noticed a few times now that she lines up her cheerios in a straight line before eating them...uh oh is right! OCD starting already!
That's all I've got in me for now, sorry Jane's future baby book...
OH- and I'd love to hear how you all have celebrated (or will celebrate) 1st birthdays. I haven't a clue on what to do.
all done
all gone
there she is!
alex (Eric's brother is staying with us, and Jane will yell his name, pretty cute!)
dog (new today, there is a dog where we are house sitting, she quite likes her)
don't (we think, she told her cousins today "don't" when they took her toys)
With all this linguistic ability, you'd think she'd be able to get "please" down...although she has signed it twice.
My surgery has been tough on the little tike, and the big tike, and me too. I can't hug anyone, can't hold Jane, and for the first five days had to keep Jane at least two feet away. Very SAD! It's taught me how important loving and kissing and human touch is--Jane has been pretty grumpy, easily upset, and very whiney since the surgery. (Her mother probably has been, too!)
She's finally realized the advantage of crawling and uses it now to chase us out of the room. She's "accidently" learned to crawl for real, instead of her gimpy army crawl (she only pulls one leg forward and drags the other). When she moves from sitting to her stomach, she gets on her hands and knees, she'll take two "steps" before she realizes it and then gets on her stomach and gimps the rest of the way. Hilarious.
Picky, picky eater!! Hopefully it's a phase.
She knows where her food goes now, at least most of the time. If we say "in your mouth or on the tray" she'll either eat it or put it down (and then point at the tray) at least 85% of the time. We've also noticed a few times now that she lines up her cheerios in a straight line before eating them...uh oh is right! OCD starting already!
That's all I've got in me for now, sorry Jane's future baby book...
OH- and I'd love to hear how you all have celebrated (or will celebrate) 1st birthdays. I haven't a clue on what to do.
In the beginning
You know, in the beginning with Jane, I was so watchful for any new thing, waiting with bated breath. It seems like they didn't happen very often. Or maybe it's just that now new things happen all the time. Jane has started putting her hand up to her mouth to blow kisses as well as wave bye bye. It's very clear to us that she understands a lot. When Eric leaves in the morning to go exercise while Jane is eating breakfast, she gets sad, fusses a bit, and than waves, AFTER he's left. She will tell us what the monkey says, what the doggy says, and sometimes even a snake (thank you Spot!) When I was reading that very book to her before her nap this morning, she shut it early and said "ah don!" She was really tired and wanted to skip the story and go straight to the song. It's just so amazing how quickly these little creatures grow. Their minds, their understanding, their abilities, it's exponential. If only we could maintain that kind of growth throughout life! She's pretty fantastic, that girl of mine. I love being her mother.
Now, THERE is motivation to finish this darned MA, so I can spend more time with her! I miss my girl!
Now, THERE is motivation to finish this darned MA, so I can spend more time with her! I miss my girl!
Time to Baby Proof!
Today has been busy. I've been busy working on my MA and making dinner for a lady in our ward that is having chemo (I went a bit nuts and made a few different soups because I wasn't sure what she could palate). Eric has been doing a lot of Jane watching. I was busy souping it up and Eric was feeding Jane a bottle in the living room. I asked him to run to the store to pick me up a few things and he left Jane on the floor with the bottle. I hear her finish and gabbering and the next thing I know, guess who has found me in the kitchen? Yep, she not only figured out where I was by the noise I was making but army crawled all the way there. I was so proud and tickled, and so was she! I think someone missed her momma. That just goes to show what Jane can do when she wants to, eh? Or when mom and dad don't do it for her before she gets the chance!
Real Quick
Since Jane is sleeping and since I'm supposed to be working on my MA right now, but since it's been SO long since I've posted, especially any pics, I wanted to update here real quick.
We are back in Minnesota. The drive wasn't too bad, actually. Eric and I enjoyed each other and the beautiful country side. Jane was (mostly) an angel. My hips and back held out pretty well and we didn't run out of gas (a narrow escape there) and the car is still functioning. I didn't realize how much I had missed my apartment (and I was surprised that it looks better than I remembered!) It's good to be home, although I miss my family already. We are trying to tackle some projects around the house while I'm still operational before surgery next week and we are trying to balance that with the other demands and things we should do...that balance thing, it's a kick in the pants, eh?
Here's a quick family pic of us up in the mountains for FHE before we left Idaho. We had wanted to drive up to Mt. Harrison and Lake Cleveland but the road was closed because of too much rain. I promise to post more as the house demands less of my attention!
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