If I remember correctly, these first ones are less than an hour after she was born (Thursday, August 14th at 7:17 pm). She was so alert and so peaceful. It was just an indescribably amazing experience.

And here's Jane getting weighed for the first time. 8 pounds, 3.5 ounces.

Mommy gets to lean up a little and play with little Jane.

And now it's daddy's turn.

Our midwife's birthing assistant was a lady named Kat. She took care of all of us so well and was the nicest, most capable lady. She even gave Jane her first bath.

On Friday afternoon, we got to bring her home for the first time: Welcome home, Jane!

Eric's family came by on Saturday the 16th to help pack and to see the baby.
Kathleen, Alex, and Grandma Ludlow all got to meet Jane.

Marcee spent a little time several months ago making Jane's bassinet all pretty and comfy. It's so beautiful, and Jane just loves it.

Grandma Julie came out to visit a couple weeks earlier hoping that's when Jane would come. Bad news was she didn't, but the good news (for Grandma) was that Jane decided not to come until Grandma could fly back into town again and get to the birth center. Jane sure loves her Grandma Julie. And so do we. And not just because mommy and daddy would have died or gone insane without her and everything she did to help out. But that's great, too. Thanks again, Grandma Julie. We love you.

Our friends Mary Ann and Jason couldn't wait to come get their turn to play with Jane. Mary Ann was able to hide hers well, but you could definitely smell the fear in Jason's eyes. Does he still think he's ready to have a baby? Probably, but he's only fooling himself.

We're so grateful to everyone who has been a great support to us. We're glad you're all excited for Jane to join our family. Personally, we are over-joyed!
Welcome to our family, little Jane.